The team that finishes bottom of Premier League gets £100 million. It’s no wonder Premier teams don’t take the cup as serious as they did in the good old days.
46 games as opposed to 8. Personally I don't care if 'big' clubs don't take it seriously. It's more money for us as we stand a better chance of progressing
I like the idea of big clubs playing fringe players in the cup, its like the smaller clubs playing fringe players in the piss pot cup, but if an when we get there its a brilliant experiance, day art, with great Memories.
Beating the likes of Man Utd and Liverpool when they've fielded strong sides isn't going to feel the same or memorable as beating Man Utd U23s though is it?
Yes cos you've beaten em, try telling all the Wednesday and Blackpool fans its not the same, but opinions are opinions arnt they.
Championship clubs receive a lot more money from Sky than League One clubs do. That's where the £6 million figure ( or more) comes from.
Maybe offering a champions league spot to the winners ( if it is allowed) would be a good incentive for Premier league teams to put out strong sides, afterall there's only about 6 ish teams who regularly compete for the champions league places, I don't think the PL woukd like a championship team in the champions league though
personally not bothered either way. we rarely get anywhere near ties against the big boys, for it to be a problem
I’d imagine the qualification into the European competition is worth more than the £4 million to teams. We say that the big teams don’t take it seriously anymore, but if you looked at the last 20 or maybe even 30 years the so called big teams have dominated the competition, and still do. Aside from Leicester, Wigan and Portsmouth. The big teams have won the rest. I can’t think of anymore.
The content of this thread is one of the reasons following football in England can be so depressing. Ostensibly the thread is about the F A Cup. First won in 1872 and the oldest domestic competition in the world. Yet the discussion is about how much (or little) money you make from winning it rather than the joy of doing so. **** me, is that the reason we follow football.
The reason money is mentioned in this thread regarding FA cup is because its the reason it isnt held in the highest esteem anymore. You can't criticise something without naming the reason why it's being criticised. When clubs spend billions on players, they're simply not going to risk that investment in a trophy that doesn't provide financially for them, or gets them into the champions league. I agree its a sad state of affairs, but why you're arguing the points on here as though its our faults is beyond me. Its why I said take away 4th spot and put winners there. It'll soon change. Football is a business now, that won't ever change from here on in
Your post is everything that’s wrong with English football. If the game and its support is now only interested in the ‘business side’ you’d be better investing in Tesco and watching the markets to see how you were faring in the table. Then presumably having a good cheer if you finished 4th.