Thought I'd get a chuckle from mi kin and have a bit of a laugh. Once asked mi mam if she wanted a rabbit for xmas. Reply "what the bleeding hell, do I need a pet rabbit for". Mi owd dad bless him was none the wiser too. Both passed on now. Hadn't the heart to expand lol.
Got a Sony HT-CT xxx not sure of exact model. Bluetooth sub so that can go anywhere, with sound bar in front of TV. Simple HDMI (ARC) connection and jobs a gud un. Can also stream from my phone direct to it so no longer need a hifi type etc. I use it every day, as the speakers are quite loud and good quality (even live football). Think I paid summat around 170 for it from Argos. And I've got a Sony Bravia smart TV and it blows those speakers away. Only issue I had was that eventually the timing slipped from TV to sound (Sync) but a quick change on the delay setting on the TV seems to have fixed that For the price it's been more than worth it. So much so I bought another for the TV in my bar
My mother would have thought it would be one for the pot as she made a mean rabbit stew. And no, I’m not a Dingle
Got a Beam in the back room; better than just the TV sound as the Beam is less 'echoey' Also got a Beam in the lounge along with 2x Sonos Play:One. Sounds great for both TV and Music. I would love to try adding the sub, but apart from it being ridiculously expensive I don't think the lounge is big enough to warrant the extra 'booooom'. And I am loathe to upset @JamDrop ;-)
Weve got a Bose Smart, Son in laws got a samsung, half price of ours and theres is better in my opinion
Wife bought me a Samsung sound bar when I bought a new Samsung TV, don’t know how it compares with other similar priced sound bars, but it’s a big improvement on the TV speakers
At the risk of sounding all " mine's bigger than yours" the sound system speakers alone for my home cinema TV, streaming services Netflix Prime and Blu-Ray totted up to around £1800. Add to that an entryish level Pioneer SS receiver and you are looking at well over £2.5k. The Left/Right front speakers though do serve as Hi-Fi Stereo for listening classical music etc and they were round £700 but sound amazing. Our nearest neighbours are 300+ metres away which is just as well as I also have a music studio upstairs. Whilst it all sounds pricey all my home cinema surround sound system is at the budget end of the market. You can pay far more although some of the stratospheric prices you see (£25k for a pair anyone?!!) In Audiophile magazines are an absolute con targeting people with money to burn. Even the best high end studio main control room monitors don't cost anywhere near that.
A decent soundbar is absolute night and day from TV speakers. However it does probably come down to how you use it and also the size of your room. If it's a decent size room, you watch lots of films and like to get immersed in sound, then they're worth every penny. If you're 3 ft away from your telly and only ever watch Countdown or Peak Practice, I'd say don't bother.
Bought one in Currys sale, its the LG Eclair which is a compact soundbar and sub integrates with LG TV so no need for 2 remotes. Sound quality very good, brings the footy to life kn the room and xBox sounds amazing.
This gets good reviews & £89. Sonos are great quality, but relatively expensive (in part, down to buying into the grouping & mature app which isn't really what the OP needs).
I got a Polk one for Christmas. £250 and massively improves the sound quality. Modern TVs are so slim that the speakers are usually pathetic.
I have one very similar - it’s a Panasonic compact sound bar with included Subwoofer (around £150 a few years ago) - used with a Panasonic flatscreen & now Samsung tv - the sound quality is much better than the tv speakers - clearer, more rounded - my wife has slight hearing issues & finds the sound bar so much of an improvement