So how come our PM is taking a private jet from London to Leeds I hope this isnt a taxpayer funded jaunt
Because, as always under the Tories, there's money when they and their donors feel they need it. Nurses, rail workers, teachers etc don't fall into that bracket.
I'd expect him to, he can afford it, so he shouldn't take up an appointment for someone more needy, and besides, I'd hope he's got summat better to do than wait on the phone at 8am for an hour only to be told all the appointments have gone and if it was summat on the pre recorded list he can self refer and wait for 6 months
I think he's a massive hypocrite and I don't know how he's in power in the first place given his tax status.
Not defending it for one minute but this obsession with Private health cover and has he/hasn't he being driven mainly by the BBC and the tabloids is 'froth' and deflects from the main issue re NHS and public services starved of resources for so long. How people spend their money is for them to decide. Many people get free or part subsidised private health packages as part of their overall job remuneration. Also does anyone question for example the transport Minister to ask if he owns a car or travels by public transport. Seems an attempt to rabble rouse and whip up the politics of envy brigade. The same applies to Right wing papers who dredge up personal spending choices of people like Starmer to undermine their credibility. Whilst there's is plenty of hypocrisy that exists personal spending choices like Health, private education for the children, provided they are not taxpayer funded, are none of our business.
The website appears to be a social media site run by the usual 'politics of envy' brigade . The initial comment may have some validity especially if the taxpayer is picking up the tab. Unfortunately they go on to use an example of ' extravagence' and ' being out of touch' where he paid out of his own pocket. The man is a multi millionaire and can spend his money how he pleases. Like exiled says I also would expect him to take advantage of Private Health care. Who wouldn't if they can afford it? It does take pressure off the NHS provided resources are not deflected away from it. Most private facilities are paid for by private insurance premiums and businesses anyway. As long as they can both thrive alongside each other then why not?
I don't think it's "politics of envy" at all. I think it's absolutely fair to describe short domestic private jet/helicopter journeys as extravagant and out of touch, because they pretty much objectively are. Plus the jet to Leeds was taxpayer funded. I agree that i don't consider it to be a big issue having private health care though, but refusing to confirm it by saying "it's not relevant" was absolutely the worst line he could have taken. It's basically saying "yes I have private healthcare but think there is some shame attached to it so am too cowardly to admit it"
Well, if as it says he flew on an RAF plane, who do you think has paid for it?????? Bupa????? oh, no, it is the tax payer…
[QUOTE="mansfield_red, post: 3054531, member: 54182" I agree that i don't consider it to be a big issue having private health care though, but refusing to confirm it by saying "it's not relevant" was absolutely the worst line he could have taken. It's basically saying "yes I have private healthcare but think there is some shame attached to it so am too cowardly to admit it"[/QUOTE] That is a very valid point. FFS. Stop responding to my posts with points I agree with. It was more fun when we could escalate into a decent argument
Ireland doesn't have the NHS or equivalent. GPs are private - and charge ££s for an appointment - but many people get insurance through their jobs...
Who gives a **** how he’s got there……..if he’s paid for it then a couldn’t give a shiney *****, why are folk so obsessed with how senior government officials travel about, he’s PM for Christ sake, he’s hardly Guna hitchhike is he
I can't understand why his only solid answer to everything so far is to make people study maths until they're 18 rather than 16. I only studied it until 16 and I just can't see what difference those extra 4 years are going to make.
Apart from the fact we've paid for it I think that using a private jet for such a short flight is a disgusting thing to do when they're asking people to do things turn their TVs off standby to prevent climate change. He's stuck two fingers up at the planet imo. I also think that as he's in charge of the budgets for the NHS he should absolutely be made to use it rather than saying it's good enough for you but not good enough for him the stuck up evil *******. But then he did help make COVID laws and flouted them didn't he so he obviously doesn't care about anyone apart from himself and his tax dodging wife.