How would it even work. They gonna knock on your door and ask to have a look around. No **** off. hardly gonna get a warrant
It’s simple if you take the word at face value: copyright = the right to copy. When you buy a work, whether a book a painting or a cd, you’re paying for a single licensed copy of that work, you’re free to sell that on. To make copies and sell them on requires you to purchase rights to make copies. All of this worked quite well for most of the developed world under the Berne Convention, till the emergence of the internet. Police are actually doing something about it. Could make good prison chat. What you in here for? Murder. How about you? Watched a Premier League game from my living room sofa that wasn't on Sky Sports.
Going to ring police if I get burgled and tell them I’m watching an illegal stream, more chance of them turning up
I’d like to see someone confirming they’ve been arrested / charged with this before I’d believe it. I know a copper who’s got one himself . I swear articles like this come out every so often just to scare people. I’m also pretty sure I’m right in thinking they need a warrant to access your property anyway. I find it hard to believe they’re going to get warrants out to search all these properties.
If you a actually read the article, the police have targeted those selling the pirate services, not anyone watching the streams.
A bullsh1t article from a bullsh1t newspaper, enabled by a bullsh1t law that actually makes copyright infringement criminal rather than just a civil matter in the UK. Draconian. Did you know watching a pirated VHS funds terrorism?
I wish I’d read the link properly, I feel such an idiot, I’ve had my gardener fill mine in and even removed the bridge over it.
Being a bit of a technophobe I have no idea how to watch the game through streaming. Do I have to sign up with a streaming service? Would appreciate some basic advice if anyone has a spare couple of minutes. Cheers.
Why risk it? Much simpler to get a VPN, sign up to that (some are free), then transport yourself away and watch the match legally on iFollow for £10. It’s my route anyway
I usually have to have an illegal stream against a tree or a hedge on a Saturday night after a night in the pub.
I wouldn't do anything illegal of course but if I did mine would be simple drop off a fire stick to the man that can he would put the magic app onto it ,and pretty simple from there just update it every time I go on been Brill only let me down a handful of times since May for £40 not sure there all that simple.