Standing at Football is a unique culture, imagine going to the Cinema or Theatre and someone standing to watch it. Even most sports you don’t have the same expectation of a right to stand.
If you stand up at anytime in the game then a child sat behind even if the child stands they cant see due to obvious height differences, my youngest has missed goals and exciting bits because of this or elderly physically can't get up quick enough or stand for long periods and again miss big parts of the game. Let's have a poll should all children, small people and the elderly be banned from football games or accept that they will miss most of the game so someone can stand in a seated area if they want to?
I was ale free yesterday (doing dry-ish Jan in a fashion) so It was interesting seeing how pissed folk were, tbh I love a good swill at an away game so I’m not Guna be a hypocrite but what struck me yesterday was that some of our really older fans are as thick as ****……there was a bloke, must’ve been 60 at least with what a presume his grandson giving the charlton Fans, who them closest to us on the right looked like they were all kids, the ****** sign, nar am not opposed to folk effing jeffing sharting or whatever cos it happens on a Saturday so it don’t bother me, but c’mon, then kids looked no older than 10 year old…….
I go to at least 15 away games a season, we always sit in the home end watching the Barnsley fans and we have never encounted any trouble, the fans are always full of banter, we tend to go to a bar have a few jars, mix with the locals and build a rapour and then enjoy the game, great days,
The "prawn sandwich" guy was embarrassing. The "joke" wasn't good the first time, but to repeat it about 20 times.... Also, we were told we could sit anywhere, so why stand near the front? It really boils my piss.
Went in wetherspoons mate. A little bit of chanting. nothing really untoward (slightly annoying when you want a quiet drink and a chat with others) . But then an older guy (50+) started encouraging young uns with his ott chanting wanting everyone in Greenwich to hear him. Thick as pig ****.
Went away to Huddersfield a few seasons back, and for some reason we must've had every foookin idiot in Barnsley at that game, anyhow cut a long story short i had a confrontation with one, that became a dozen in seconds, their like a pack of animals, Stay safe guys, move seats if possible.
Go in em all time mate when we are away. (Main reason we know they'll be open when we get to wherever we are going. and in general just like any normal pub). Yesterday was ott when the older guy decided he wanted the world to hear him. And they were louder than normal. And more prolonged.
Not really a fan of Wetherspoons but we were in the one in Cannon Street station yesterday and it was lovely and quiet A couple of pints and decent conversation whilst waiting for the train to Charlton
He was arrogant beyond belief. It was much simpler in the old days when you could choose to sit in the inappropriately named stand, or stand on a terrace. Last Charlton match I went to was the “football for a fiver” day. It was packed and everyone one stood. The elderly lady and her husband next to me left at half time because she couldn’t see a thing. 360 mile round trip for that!
I’m one of the “I’ve bought a seat so I’ll sit in it” types. It’s obviously impossible to educate the single brain cell between them lot so it doesn’t really matter how many stewards are on duty. They are never the solution, mostly unwilling to get involved. Can’t blame them for that. I suppose the only answer is dedicated standing areas and sitting sections. I get to my feet when we score a goal at Oakwell but that’s it. Luckily it’s ok on the half way line in the ESL. No moronic behaviour. I’m pretty much finished with away matches. Can’t be bothered with the kind of behaviour described on this thread.
My lad keeps saying he wants to go to an away game, but I’m genuinely concerned at what he’ll see or hear.
Both my lads and 3 of their cousins were there yesterday, they are in their 30’s , been going away since they were 6 yrs old