BRING YOUR FLAGS ON SATURDAY Club News Put your flag on display, from Saturday afternoon! Continue reading on the official site...
What's next - bring your big bass drum to generate "some atmosphere"?? I hate the fact that almost every ground has them now and I can't stand the thump thump thump all the way through a match. I just turn the sound down but you can't do that if you're there can you? I can say with 100% certainty that if Oakwell starts to reverberate to a pointless drumming noise on a regular basis then that will be the end of my regular journeys to a football ground that I first set foot in back in 1962. I know plenty will say they're good for getting the crowd going but, as we all know, it takes a lot for that to happen at Oakwell and I really don't see a boom boom boom noise getting many going!
They will never be atmosphere at our matches with some of our fans. Only way to generate an atmosphere is have a standing section