This govt, are really spoiling for a fight with whole TU movement. They are a disgrace and will seemingly stop at nothing.
They got offered a five grand payrise. I would say around 100 quid a week in one go is pretty decent.
All these unions are wanting labour in power knowing full well that a labour government will roll over and let the unions tickle its belly
I suggest you read all of the ‘offer’ and it’s not just about money, once again terms and conditions are affected
What a short- sighted if idiotic reply. Typically Tory apologists response. We’ve just had Above 10 years of Tory crippling of the economy, Little or no pay rises for many, Austerity for the sake of Austerity. People are desperate if you think members of Unions seek confrontation in the form of strike action, etc then you simply haven’t a clue. People are desperate they’ve been pushed back as far as they can go.
You been reading the Daily Mail again they have been offered a 4% payrise and another 4% for next year. Inflation over 1 year is currently 10% so its quite a big paycut in real terms. But even that is only part of the story. There are big changes to working practices and pensions also bundled in so your glib 5K payrise is giving a totally misleading picture
Saw a bit of the select committee on Royal Mail today , looking at thousands of job losses with the CEO’s pay solely linked to share holder dividends, they just don’t want to negotiate anything
just watched a few clips of our ceo squirming whilst getting a good grilling, nothing will change but at least he's made a whole lot people realise how crap he really is at his well overpaid job, the traditional postie job will be lost within 5 years, if that, long term folk are jumping ship already
Trade unions ultimately benefit working classes. That’s why the Tories will go after them at all costs.
This thread was started as a warning for people re-arrange the Oxford trip (me included) but I have to say that Simon Thompson, the RM CEO, does seem to be an absolute moron. (Along with two or three other CEO's of big firms I might caree to meention.
Not if you've lost your job after 2025 and get nowt. Unlike this guy. CEO Of Network Rail. Andrew Haines has an annual salary of £588,000. This figure is more than three-and-a-half times the size of the UK Prime Minister's current salary, and 19-times what the RMT union says the median wage of its rail worker members. Mr Haines' salary grew in 2022, with his pay rising 8.1% from £544,000 Pretty decent I'd say. £840+ pw.
That is tragic. Postie's like the milkmen back in the day provided a useful social service ( possibly less so nowadays since so many people now use electronic communications. There were countless tales of milk being left out or mail stuck in letterbox by elderly people where the milkman or postie would check to see if the person was OK and raised the alarm if there was a problem. Quite a few lives were saved over the years by them doing so. Even if not an emergency they were often the only daily contact some of the elderly people living on their own saw. Part of the problem though is that both rail and mail workers through no fault of their own are in declining industries. WFH, overpriced tickets and unreliable services have seen a large decline in passenger numbers. Courier services have taken a large chunk of business from RM and letters and bills have largely been replace by the internet. In that background however justified large pay rises are going to be hard to get.