No idea what the person in question has tweeted to earn his ban some of the stuff that I’ve seen on Twitter, with people @ mentioning JAQ, has definitely crossed the line. Most recently with people wetting the bed when Duff said that Watters needed match fitness. If you’re going to even get close to the line between criticism and abuse on anyone, don’t be surprised if they don’t let you in their premises. You wouldn’t slag off a shopkeeper all week then go in on Saturday and demand they sell you some milk.
Its a disgrace. He doesnt have a clue which tweet as resulted to him a ban but i cant see anything out of ordinary. They are taking piss out of us. And people wonder wy atmosphere amongst our supporters is abysmal. We celebrate and sing we get told to sit down We criticise we are banned
Tweets can be deleted, there are also direct messages. If you'd tweeted something you suspected or knew had been reported, you might well delete it, hoping no-one screenshotted it (someone always will have!). I'd be very surprised if anyone was banned for criticism, would surely have to be deemed abuse. I've seen plenty on there and I don't look for it.
The ones that are harrassing JAQ online should be banned frankly. It’s not criticism, it’s abuse. And it’s not on.
How have you come to that conclusion if you don't know what's been said? Why do people who get randy over free speech, get upset when their 'opinions' come with consequences.
This just isn't remotely true. Some of the things I've seen on twitter is truly abysmal. Vile in fact. Especially towards JAQ - don't know why she all of a sudden is the bearer of all the brunt, but she is. You'd think we were in the relegation spots with how some of our fans are, instead of the playoffs. Some people really need to take a long hard look at themselves. Nobody got banned for criticising anyone.
How do you know it’s ‘a disgrace’ though, if you don’t know what it is he’s been banned for? We’re looking through a Twitter feed and on the surface there’s nothing there that looks that bad. But it might not be that. Might be summat we can’t see, e.g. a DM or a deleted tweet. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong that he’s been banned. I’m just saying we don’t know specifically what he’s said on Twitter that he’s been banned for.
I'd put money on it being worth a ban if the club have banned him. It doesn't make any sense to turn away customers for no reason does it.
Guessing JAQ is because she is the most visual and accessible of the Directors on Social Media. Doesn’t make abuse etc right mind.
If he has personally abused anyone then it’s absolutely deserved. Fair enough to have an opinion even express it strongly but if you cross the line into personal abuse then you deserve what you get. Freedom of speech is never freedom from consequences. I wonder if next time I report racist abuse to stewards at Oakwell it will be acted upon with the same efficiency though or a shrug of the shoulders like last time.