On dvd.. Have seen a lot of footage on other films & bootlegs, but this is great.. I like Yoko as an artist etc, but that would’ve done my head in too. Just sat there while you’re trying to work. & not really knowing what you’re doing & the band obviously falling apart.. Good though. This is me sorted & staying out of trouble til midnight.. Party on, dudes..
Have you got to that bit yet? You’ll know which bit I mean when you see it. Probably the most exciting Beatley thing since the Anthology was announced.
George has just brought in ‘I, Me, Mine’. That was so joyous. I’d read all about it, but never seen that bit of film.. There’s more to come, I know..
Am 2 hours in. Still in Twickenham. I had crusty vhs footage in the 90s. Same bloke who gave me Eat the Document, which I copied for you, remember..?
Immediate thing is the amount of w4nkers hanging on & the band just suffering it. I haven’t seen those bits before.. It’s an argue, how much they needed Brian in the late 60s, but this crap would not have happened if he was still around & the band would have been happier. Maybe gone through to the 70s, in some form..?
Lots of highlights,Paulie. I ain’t seen before. Mal writing words as Paul sings Winding Road & suggesting a change..
yep, but there’s one bit that will have you grinning from ear to ear and wondering why it’s taken 50 years for anyone to see it. Peter Jackson won’t have believed his luck when he happened upon it
Eat the Document, yes, remember that. I too have had several hours of footage in various forms for years, but in such bad quality it wasn’t worth watching
I might have not got that far. But there’s lots ofstuuf here, which would please a particular Beatle bone.? Ringo is is back in his kit now.. when did he walk out, Paulie? This session or White album.?
Too many highlights to talk about. Be more specific? & are you still in hospital? Would love to visit, but will need a ride.? If anyone doesn’t mind picking me up? Impossible otherwise, On buses..
I watched it all through to the end, waiting for Chuck to lamp her with his guitar; Pete Townshend style, but was sadly disappointed.....
That was great playing... really good music... but Chuck Berry's eyes when Yoko started up... (sayings like, 'Elephant in the room' and 'kings new clothes' come to mind)
Nicky Hopkins, as far as I know, is the only non-Beatle to appear on a Beatles album and an album by each of the solo Beatles. As well as the Stones and, well, just about every decent British band in the late 60s/early 70s
My girlfriend in Liverpool used to go to Quarrybank and lived a couple of streets down from Menlove Avenue. Had you told me this would happen when I was 12-15 years old and absolutely Beatles obsessed I would have probably passed out.
Yes, I’ll be in until at least Thursday, possibly Saturday, unless a miracle happens and I pass this gallstone. That’s cos the procedure to remove it will be on Wednesday (possibly) or Friday (probably). I’ve turned sodding yellow. My eyes have now gone yellow. My wee is orange, but looks brown in the bowl. I’ve turned into a 1970s colour scheme. Earlier today I had a 4 bedded bay to myself, but I’m now next to an elderly confused man, who farts like a fat bloke after a vindaloo and who, as I’ve just learned, calls out, roughly every 30 seconds in his sleep. Gonna be a long night, or week, to be honest, as he doesn’t look like he’s moving anywhere soon. I’d just been speaking to one of the nurses about the fact that every nurse detests one bodily fluid, be it bile, sputum (the most common) or even blood (yes, really!). She said hers is vomit. Mine was always ****. Not so bad when I was looking after kids, but grown ups coming into A&E with **** everywhere turned my stomach. In fact, I vomited in the sink once when I pulled an old chap’s keks down, to find both legs covered in the stuff. Urgh! As I remember, me and my colleague cleaned him half up, popped him on the toilet and went and negotiated with two other colleagues to go and finish him off. It was gross. And now the smell coming over from this old boy every couple of minutes is giving me flashbacks. And as I typed that I heard the sound that heralds the next pong is on its way! The ward has been declared a ‘red’ ward today though, meaning we have COVID in our midst, so if that worries you, you might want to hang on a few days. As for the Get Back moment, you don’t need a clue. You’ll know it when you see/hear it, as your jaw will hit the floor. Trust me. Right, can’t type any more, need to pinch my nose…