Thinking of a couple of cameras, maybe even Ring. Does anyone have any advice on which companies to use who would come out and install? Many thanks in advance.
After the wife's car got vandalised on the drive I got my local firm, Lofthouse Alarms, to fit me two cameras plus a hard drive big enough to store 2 weeks recordings. It cost me £700, plus a cheap monitor from Curry's and works very well but to be honest, other than making the wife feel more secure, I can't see much point to it. I can't help but think I've wasted my money though. A wide angle lens might cover a large area but it a hoodie can beat it every time.
Most people have CCTV installed like you have but it doesn't help. The key is to have a camera installed quite high up that gives a wide view of the drive or garden but also to have one low down that gives a direct view straight at the people approaching your car or door
I got an Arlo Pro3, 4 camera system, its all wireless, so you'll need dependable WiFi. Can get it for around £500 and it's all up and running in half an hour, hardest part is drilling the cameras to wherever u want them. I think you can have 1-5 cameras on it and you can buy them separately and add them when u want. Records in 4k or 2k for longer battery life (rechargeable) and u can zoom in. Costs £8 a month to store the recordings and use various features. It's viewable on a phone remotely and you can set it up to send notifications on activation. You can also talk thru the cameras or set off an alarm on them if you see summat untoward. I got them when we lived in the middle of nowhere with various outbuildings/barns, as that sort of thing tends to attract certain "travelling" folk who are a tad inquisitive. They're also brilliant as wildlife cameras. Now we've moved and are slightly more towny, I've just moved the whole lot with me. I'd definitely recommend them.
Only advice I would give is get one that is as high a resolution as possible and go for POE or powdered ones. My mum has some wireless Arlo cameras but climbing ladders to take them down and charge them every so often is a ballache.
I’m sure that someone recently said on here that they have a way of blocking Wi-Fi based cameras nowadays when they are up to no good. Made me think about hard wired options…
I've got Reolink installed, works well.
Bit expensive mate but I find hanging Dundee and Celtic tops around the garden is an equally good deterrent.