Quite possibly and you are right but most drivers are not perfect and concentrating on the traffic on the road and then guessing what pedestrians are going to do on a pavement over your shoulder - will they cross or will they just go round the corner whilst you have a queue of cars behind you is introducing a level of risk the driver will miss something
Absolutely ,your right about driver education. However public information ads wouldn't be a bad idea for pedestrians as not all pedestrians are drivers.
To keep fit I go out walking 2 to 3 times per week and was amazed how long I could be stood at roundabout junctions waiting to cross when a procession of vehicles would approach the junction and then proceed without giving a second thought to me stood there patiently waiting to cross, that is until today. Stood waiting to cross at Cudworth Bridge roundabout when one vehicle that arrived at the same time as me approached, paused and then entered the roundabout whilst the one following stopped and beckoned me to cross, which I duly did and acknowledged their politeness. Well done to the person in the small yellow van. Wonder if he had read this thread. Also wonder how long it will be before I see the next one do it, after all its only taken a year or so. Going by the responses on this thread it may be a long time.
I also go out walking almost every day. I spend much less time waiting to cross the road on foot than I do trying to pull out of junctions in a car. What I do, and this might just be crazy thinking here, is I don't walk to a busy junction or roundabout and then try to cross. I cross where the road is quieter.
This is the key to this shambles. The rule change also requires a change in behaviour by pedestrians, and they’re not required to read the Highway Code, so how are they supposed to know? My childhood was littered with public information films to the point of propaganda, nowadays we expect idiot parents to understand complex issues and then to be able to educate their kids. It’s bonkers.