If youre under 30, tell the older generation to fück off literally every chance you get. They brought you Brexit, insanely high house prices and the lockdown. They brought you £15bn of environmental damage, with their shitty PPe alone. They brought you a 10x multiplier in domestic and child sexual abuse. They made you uttely financially dependant on your parents and grandparents. They were wrong about literally everything, every single time. Tell them to fúck off now, and tell them to fùck off loud. They brought you an unendingly bent and corrupt Tory government, they brought you an inept, hopeless 'opposition', who only advocated for more and harder Tory, and they brought you economic misery, an endless NHS waiting list and worst of all, they pulled up the ladder behind them. When they said they were 'levelling up', they fűcked you and gave the money to their mates. They were wrong every time, about literally everything. And they were greedy as fùck. The silly old cûnts.
Drink may have been imbibed, Mr Kaht. Doesn't make the premise wrong though? Which bit of the - admittedly drunken - argument is inaccurate ? Play the ball, not the (pissed up) man... As a generation, we've fuucked life up for our kids with our stupidity, no?
I'll tell you what Orsen, you're one of the more cerebral posters on here. And I'll guess you're maybe early 60s. So here's one for you. What has your generation contributed, over the last 20 years, to make life better for your grandkids? Or have you all just been too busy protecting your final salary pensions of 10x what you actually paid in, voting Conservative, Brexit and lockdown to think about that 'leaving a legacy' stuff? I just think we've spent 10 years fuucking things up for young people. That's all. I think that when I'm drunk and I think that when I'm sober. I just have the bllox to write it when I'm drunk. ...I'll no doubt be embarrassed when I read this back tomorrow, so I do appreciate having a platform to vent on away from the real world. And sorry if I sound like a dick. It comes from a place of genuine concern about what a mess we've made.
Cerebral? How dare you! Actually, I think an awful lot of people would disagree with that assessment! You're not wrong on the age. But I voted remain and have never voted Conservative in my life. I make no apology for working towards my final salary pension - I had to graft for the bugger! We raised our kids right, and they have done well. That's the 'legacy' I'm pleased about. But there's the rub. Don't we all look after our own primarily, and make small decisions for the good of our own families and households? We affect the micro stuff. A lot of the effects you're posting of are to do with the macro effects of millions of individual decisions. And those decisions can only be as good as the choices presented to us. For the last twelve years it's the Tories who have presented those sometimes dire choices. But they won a majority under our system. Even more regrettably, the Tories initiated brexit, so our trade suffers and we can troop across Europe like second-class citizens. But hey, it won a majority (just!). And yet still Keir Starmer isn't Jeremy Corbyn, or he's just another Tory! The only other thing to add is that yes - there are a lot of negative things out there. But taken as a whole, there are many things that are better. In general we are more prosperous than thirty or forty years ago. The choice of food and drink is vastly better than in my youth. And cheap jet travel can take us to some fabulous places (it's up to companies and governments to adapt fuels to preserve those opportunities without harming the environment. We as individuals can't affect that.) Oh, and the NHS works. It isn't perfect and it doesn't work that well, but it works. Every day it provides millions of small interventions which make things better. But we only ever hear about the bad stuff. I'd better vacate the pulpit now!
Brilliant post to wake up - hugely hungover - to.  And massively agree with the vast majority. With one exception - with huge regret, I don't think the NHS does work at the moment. (In an albeit singular example it has certainly badly let down someone close to me recently). I just hope it's not irreparably broken. Now where can I get a full English ffs? 
For those interested by the way - I suspect I'm about to take a ride on the chunderbus to Vomitville, Tennessee....
Most PMs get some things wrong and some things right just in different ratios. LBJ apparently offered to Wilson he'd prop up the pound to stop devaluation if he sent a british brigade to Vietnam. Wilson said no.
Wilson also got the death penalty abolished even though he knew the public would not have supported him. That is leadership.
We have failed them in some ways, although you can't generalise but, (and I have 2 kids in their early twenties) in other ways they've failed themselves. We gave them the internet, they gave themselves TikTok and the Kardashians. We gave them on demand TV they gave themselves love island. We gave them mobile phones, they gave themselves the worship of the false prophet called iPhone. Like I say, can't tar everyone with the same brush, but I look at them and think they sometimes are preoccupied with trivia.
Yes, but if I hadn’t forced the French to withdraw from info china and leave a power vacuum, the Americans wouldn’t have needed to worry about the communists filling it, or needed to send troops and so, wouldn’t have asked for Wilson’s support. The US controlled world bank wouldn’t have put pressure on steriing and there wouldn’t have been a run on the pound. See, my fault!
Wouldn't agree they forced the french to withdraw, Diem bien phu had more to do with it. The US supplied the french with lots of kit to fight the Viet Minh. Btw Did you know ho chi Minh lived in new York briefly and at the end of ww2 appealed to the Americans to support a nascent Vietnam?