Found myself wondering at the end of the programme if someone was 'choreographing' it and if some of the contestants were being told what to do. The ending couldn't have been any more gripping - was it contrived? Had Wilf and Kieran united they would probably have won it - thought Wilf's reaction when he was accused of being a traitor was over the top - he was someone who had kept his cool throughout the process and he could have blagged it but he lost it at the end. Also was Kieran briefed on what to say - hinting at Wilf's deceit when he was voted out? Perhaps I'm reading too much into it! Best bit was Meryl muttering about '30 thousand f****** pounds' - think she coasted through the whole process without realising what was going on.
I’d say no it wasn’t fixed. I think Wilf just got greedy and pissed Kieran off. I think Kieran just genuinely wanted the others to win. It was wuite the twist though.
I don’t think so. It’s edited so we only see certain bits and people are portrayed in ways they want them to be but the end result wasn’t fixed.
Wouldn't be surprised but i don't think it was,but Wilf went overboard to much swearing on people's life's etc. That felt like a giveaway.
Kieran knew he had turned on two traitors already so he fully suspected and was fully correct to be mindful of Wilf. Wilf just thought he could manipulate the whole situation and got caught out. All that hard work for nothing.
What a brilliant programme. I've just found out about it just before Christmas, and have just watched the final one. I couldn't comment or read the thread earlier, as I didn't want spoilers. I even avoided talking about it at work so as to not accidentally find out what happened. I have to admit, I was with the traitors all the way until this last episode.
Really enjoyed and so did young Alfie one of the few tv programmes that got his attention away from YouTube For me Wilf had no intention of sharing with anybody sell his granny that lad and the fake I'm pleased at the end not buying it sorry Wilf.
It was telling that as a throw away comment Wilf mentioned he was trained in “ethical lying” - trained in his job as charity cold call botherer no doubt - sounds like some millennial justification BS for deceiving people.
Just watching this, what a bag of 5hite, but great cloak an dagger entertainment, had it taped for weeks. Foookin hell, Cry, Cry, Cry, Cry, Thank god Amos and Kieran are back some real MEN. And the crying continues, its a foookin game, thats it, i'm done with this 5hite.
found it fascinating - an odd programme that could have gone pear-shaped but it worked out well. Liked Meryl - didn't have a scooby what was going on but played a blinder - her comment about winning 'Thirty three f****** pounds' - television gold.