Surely if the person identifies as neither male nor female then the appropriate pronoun is "it"?
We've been addressing men as him and women as her for the last 2000 years I don't think someone should have to apologise if they didn't know. I'd have no problem referring to someone as whatever they wanted to be called. The video is just disgusting and inappropriate.
I think he looks like pat butcher from eastenders not sure if that's the look he's going for but he looked spit on a picture I saw of him.
My twopenneth on this matter, I've seen Sam Smith interviewed several times and HE is an attention seeking, narcissistic pillock, HE is however talented, just a shame HE lives his life wanting to be seen as a victim of an uncaring society.
Who cares if 14-16 year olds want to wear a dress? Genuinely, so what? The raunchy clothing in the video isn’t suitable for young teens at all or for anyone as public attire anyway but they’re not daft, they know the difference between a music video and what people wear walking down the street. Miles Cyrus was naked on a giant wrecking ball, multiple women were naked in the Blurred Lines video with its rapey lyrics. As far as I’m aware 14-16 years didn’t start walking around naked.
I know you weren't replying to me but I felt the need to clarify after my post further up. I think the video is disgusting but I have no problem with Sam's right to make such a video.
While I agree ridicule is a step too far it's not really possible to discuss a contentious issue without offending someone.
a lot more than 2000 years. totally agree it's going to take time for people to adjust. the issue I have is with people who know full well, but still have no intention of changing. it's just an ignorant $hitty thing to do. as for the video - just turn it off, it's not for you. I've seen far far worse. nobody gets killed, which happens in thousands of films & tv programmes, every year. it's not aimed at kids either. I could give you a million examples of content that's not meant for kids. it's up to responsible adults to make sure they don't watch it. nobody bats an eyelid at the way that women are overtly sexualised in content, every single day. non-binary singer does video with tassles on their nipples - people lose their minds. fwiw I think sam smith's music is $hite
I wonder what would happen if you were a male police officer and one day turned up stating that your non binary and not trans gender but from tomorrow I'm going to wear a skirt and cravatte.Wonder what hierarchy would make of it and believe me it's coming.
You may have a point but let's not pretend music video history isn't full of controversial releases. Like a prayer springs to my mind. Female artists have been body shamed for years.
But wanting people to address them in a certain way hardly makes them a bad role model? With the likes of Andrew Tate, Tommy Robinson and Piers Morgan free to roam the Internet, Sam Smith is the least of our worries.
I’ve never felt comfortable with toxic macho culture, he/him descriptions/ expectations that sets and generally naturally engage with people without gender factoring into it. Always been the way I’m naturally wired and always cringed when people describe me as “he” because of the baggage that has in my mind. I definitely relate to they/ them pronouns naturally but not a cat in hells chance I’d do that in normal life due to the case in point of the attitudes in this thread and the pathetic culture war stuff attached to it.
Tommy Robinson is banned from social media and even youtube. He did do a podcast with James English a few weeks ago I have watched tonnes of James English podcasts so I gave it a watch... but when he said I'm not racist I have Asian and black friends I don't hate catholics my mum's Catholic lol I had to turn off.