If people in here could refer to me as "the lord of the jazz / punk stratosphere", that would be great. If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal I can call you Betty And Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al, or Mark, or JP. Just joking BTW. Surely most of this is just about showing people respect & gender should not be an issue. If someone tells me how they want to be addressed I'll give them that common courtesy, and hope they give me it back. I used to be called "Zippy" at school, as I have a massive scar down my chest from open heart surgery that saved my life as a 7 year old. Kids weren't kind back in the day. Some degree of progress is a positive, but let's not let the right wing press blow this all out of proportion.
i would like to be known on here and referred to in the future by fellow BBSers as the Right honourable Archbishop of Canterbury Desmond Tutu the second of Riverdance . my pronouns are peanut and fridgefreezer.
If that's what Sam, or anyone else for that matter, wishes to be called, then fair enough, as far as I'm concerned. Also, I've watched his video tonight, after all the comments. The only response from myself was Meh! As Bill Shakespeare rightly pointed out "Much Ado About Nothing".
Different but not necessarily better. sex is immutable, it’s binary. I don’t have an issue referring to anyone with their chosen pronouns, but that’s the headline and not the issue. The issue is that they want you to suspend your belief in the fairly basic science and pretend along that there is such a thing as ‘non-binary’. The whole ‘gender’ movement is like a religion in that respect, they demand that we treat their belief as if it’s our truth. And this has very serious consequences for the safety of women. This isn’t bigotry. For 20 odd years I was a massive fan of Eddie Izzard. The fact he wants to wear female clothes winds people up; fine by me. He reckoned he was a straight bloke who was perfectly comfortable to wear women’s clothes and he had a perfect right to do so. But after 20+ years of that he’s changed his tune. Now he wants to decide when it suits him to be a man, and when it suits him to be a ‘girl’. Not a woman? I don’t care who you are, but if you’re a fifty odd year old bloke, feel free to wear what the hell you like, but surely it’s a con trick to wish me to see you as a ‘girl’? This then leads to straight blokes and lesbian’s automatically becoming ‘transphobic’ because they refuse to date ‘girls’ with penises. The rainbow flag is inclusive and celebrates the many different sexualities that exist. The idea that has been usurped by a pink blue or ‘neither’ view is not a progressive step, it’s regressive. Let’s not be conned into believing otherwise.
https://www.express.co.uk/comment/e...ara-aleena-police-climate-change-justin-welby Madeley had a slip of the tongue. He should do a column about it like James Whale.
I totally agreed with Madeley though on Tv-Am a few years ago, when he was trying to reason with that absolute knobhead from insulate Britain.
But Madely doesn't want you to refer to him as a cnt. Can't have have one rule for Sam and another for Madely Marc. Whatever happened to thee and thar... Takes the guesswork out of the situation.
Fair dos. A mile underground, men being men, all that raging testosterone and pent up frustration at the looney left. I can imagine Sam Smith would have definitely got it, if he'd turned up. What happens down the pit, stays down the pit. You be you.