We’ve all got our opinions on it, mostly in favour if we’re winning but the opposite if we’re losing. I don’t like it at all but it’s a big part of the game and EVERY team does it. The thing that annoys me most seems to have crept in during more recent years and that is the habit of all crowding around each other at the corner flag after a goal. Some players pile on top of the scorer while others look around for team mates and wave them in until all ten are in the gaggle. I seem to remember that when it first started referees would immediately get involved and would break it up quickly. They just don’t do that now so where is the logic in ignoring this blatant time wasting nonsense while sometimes picking on the keeper who isn’t taking a goal kick quickly enough? I know that we are as bad as everyone else at this but it needs stamping out if the game. It can sometimes be getting on for two minutes between the goal and the restart but does the ref add all of it on? It’s been mentioned before but I wish timekeeping was taken out of the referee’s hands altogether. Like in rugby the clock should stop when play is halted for whatever reason. Then we all know that when it ticks round to 90 minutes the ref can then blow the whistle to end the game. What we have though is too much inconsistency so that no one knows what to expect. And of course we all know that logic dictates that when we are LOSING by one goal there is 2 or 3 minutes added; when we are winning by one goal it can be closer to 10 minutes, like yesterday. The bottom line is that all forms of gamesmanship/time wasting etc is cheating and, for me, has no place in sport.
Football is an entertainment business. Some may find it entertaining, l don't. But, I recognise the difference between blatant time wasting, and skillfully denying the opposition any opportunities, which is what we did for the last 8 minutes yesterday.
There's a difference for me between time wasting (running the clock down) and gamesmanship. Holding the ball in the corner is running the clock down. It's an effective tool to see out the game. The keeper waiting to be closed down before he picks up the ball is the same. I've no issue with that. Anything that happens whilst the ball isn't in play, or a deliberate tactic to prevent play from happening is gamesmanship and should be punished. Herbie Kane retrieving the ball when it's Oxford's goal kick and trying to run down the touch line should be a yellow card. Brad Collins kicking his posts or delaying the kick should be a yellow card. Josh Martin kicking the ball away should be a yellow card. One instance of gamesmanship which hasn't been mentioned, is Karl Robinson instructing an injured player back onto the pitch and to deliberately go down again, so that they've got time to ready a substitute. That should be a yellow card. It's not even a grey area, the referee could enforce it pretty easily. To be fair, the referee did book at least 2 of our players last night for gamesmanship, which isn't the norm. However, the 6 second rule isn't enforced anymore for one, so if the referee's aren't going to enforce the rules, then why shouldn't teams exploit it?
The referee added 8 minutes extra . Plus a further 2 minutes on top . Wasting time . Added by the ref ,Oxford shouldn't have any complaints. If you don't like it switch it off or leave the game before the end. It's part of the game we used to call it Shithousery. We were not very good at it ,we are getting better , and seeing games out is better for end results.
Personally I think time wasting has got a lot worse over the last 5 or 10 years which I think is part of the reason FIFA were so keen to add on so much time at the World Cup. The worst culprits are the teams that play a high pressing, high energy game. They try and create dead time to recover. The more teams that play high press the more it happens. If an opposition are struggling to cope with it they also try and kill time - before you know it both teams are at it. Refs need to be given licence to be stronger with it. At the minute they wait until the last 15 mins and when a team is a losing to start booking players. If it's obvious a player is time wasting they should be booked, regardless of when in the game it happens. Or we play 10-15 mins stoppage time each half.....
It was painful to watch, but not as painful as watching the home fans celebrate a 95th minute equaliser. Keep it up Reds!
No problem from me with running the clock down in the opposition half , seen us chuck too many leads away from stupid play in the last 10 minutes.
Time wasting in Barnsleys case is on another level to most clubs. (We've got used to running the clock down in the past for the last 4/5 minutes.) But last night for example Collins started his shenanigans after their goal. When the clock went up 8 minutes extra. We had a corner. Did we try put the game to bed. No. We probably knocked 15-20 seconds off faffing in the corner. Another 2 minutes were added on due to blatant time wasting. Its counterproductive in my view with such long periods to go. I give you Port vale at home.
It doesn’t bother me too much. If we see out the win, that’s all that matters. It does infuriate when teams do it against us though so I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite. Or maybe just biased.
it's a horrible part of the game. unfortunately it hasn't been stamped out by the laws of the game, to the point where it's now actually considered a 'good thing' and referred to as 'the dark arts'. what this means is if you don't learn to do it, you end up at a significant disadvantage. so as maddening as it is to watch, I don't blame the teams or the players. it should be up to the officials to stamp it out. we were mostly all commenting on how well we managed 8 minutes of injury time yesterday. however if it had been the other way round, we'd be absolutely raging. brad collins winds me up, and I'm a Barnsley fan. I'm amazed he hasn't had a red card yet, as he always seems to just carry on after he's been booked. I'm not talking about running the ball into the corner here, or leathering the ball into row z. that's just football, and it's up to them to get the ball off you. some of the things I saw yesterday though, would be infuriating if I was an Oxford fan. Herbie Kane chasing the ball out of play, just to try and hold onto it; Brad Collins claiming the ball then diving to the floor with it, when there's no one within 20 yards...then running to the other side of the box to take the goal kick; deliberately taking free kicks from the wrong place, to get the ref to pull it back; staff holding the ball in the technical area, throwing it away then claiming you were 'just throwing it to them', when you know full well there was no one there; even looked like we might have had a hand in 'the wrong number' going up on one of the subs. that's not football for me, it's deliberately cheating. it's not going to stop though, until it hurts teams for doing it. red cards, double added time etc. if wasting thirty seconds gets an extra two minutes added on, or a few reds get issued, they will soon stop doing it.
I hate to see visiting keepers doing what Collins does when their team is in the lead. It's a serious flaw in the game and it will probably always be with us until refs go up to them and say "Listen keeper, I've been watching you and take this as a final warning. Yellow card for you now and one more similar indiscretion and you are off, no question". But no - they waft the yellow card at them from forty yards away and so it goes on. The cameras didn't follow that Kane incident but I could guess what he was doing. I just saw him sprinting after the dead ball then heard the howls of derision from the crowd. They must love "their Herbie". Stupid though and so unnecessary. Still, we are talking about footballers here aren't we. Barely a brain cell between them, with obvious exceptions, so they probably have no idea they are doing wrong. The officials seem unable or unwilling to hand out appropriate punishments, instead blowing for innocuous collisions, just to make it look as though they are doing their job. They need to start doing it properly and then maybe, just maybe, the football world will take note, and clean up their behaviour. I'm not holding my breath though. After all we are only the paying public, whatever way we choose to spend our money. Why should we be entitled to watch a full match when it's so much more fun watching idiots rolling about on the ground with simulated broken legs or piling on top of each other by the corner flag after scoring a goal, for about a minute or two. Then of course when the scorer finally comes up for air he has a lot of sock adjusting to do, and the like. It's just prolonging the time wasting, any way they can. "You want 90 minutes football? Nahh - settle for about 50 (if you're lucky)"
I’m convinced that we’ll soon have timekeepers stopping the clock at various intervals. To me, it’s the simplest solution to all the sh1thousery and aggro we see today. Might also prevent hundreds of heart attacks and strokes
I don’t even think that would really work tbh. Adding 30 seconds for 30 wasted doesn’t really do anything, because stopping the momentum was the purpose. If you add 2 minutes though, for 30 seconds, that’s gonna make a difference. All of a sudden, kicking the ball away a couple of times then pretending you didn’t hear the ref, suddenly turns into 6 minutes added on. You can go from winning to losing in that time. Games will end up lasting 100 minutes+ and pretty quickly, clubs will realise timewasting is doing them far more harm than good
We won. IMO we were the best team for 60 minutes in a difficult away game. I don't like time wasting & gamesmanship in general TBH. I agree it should be clamped down on. I'd have to say we have been the victims over the years on this & have no problem us playing the game until the refs cut it out across the board. Although I was opposed to the Qatar world cup, the refs got the extra time right.
For me there is no place for time wasting ever. Instead of booking offenders, the ref should simply add on DOUBLE the amount of time wasted. It would soon stop. In addition, timekeeping should be done by the 4th official and communicated to the ref when time is up. They could still announce the additional time as now but with the possibility of it being further extended if time wasting happens again. Oh and scrap the 30sec per substitute and goal, measure the actual time consumed and add it in. Simple solution.
I don't mind it when we're 1 goal up against Wednesday but when we're 3-0 up against Accrington and ripping them apart, I fail to see what it achieves apart from the obvious 3 points.