Highest in recorded history. Not paid a penny tax in the UK, while people are sat in food and fuel poverty, and in the same week they made a veiled threat to 'exit their UK business'. Despicable beyond words.
Why the hell is a company CHOOSING how much tax to pay in the first place? The whole system is corrupt. Every penny I earn is taxed right there at source. A rich person or a business however gets to choose where to invest their earnings first and then get taxed how they want to. Tax the ******* at source and tax the footballers PAYE too.
Disgusting, the average person in the street would be chased and chased and subsequently threatened with court action by HMRC for a minor discrepancy and yet companies like this just do what the **** they want without recourse. About time HMRC got their ******* priorities sorted.
Proof if it wer needed that the energy crisis is a figment' nothing more than an opportunity for the profiteers to fill their boots at our expense' they fill their pockets whilst the old and vulnerable go cold through fear of putting on their heating' the most gauling thing of all is our government are fully complicit with it. Roll on the general election.
Wait until Boris gets back in just in time for the next election. He will proclaim to be the saviour etc. It wouldn't surprise me either at the number of thick ***** in Barnsley that would vote for the Tories with Johnson at the helm.
As a customer of Shell Energy, as Green Energy went bust I'd like to thank them with a Glasgow kiss. I have to question though why Green Energy went under due to an oil & gas crisis. No one has explained that to me.
No chance Boris will get back in. Or even go for it. Labour should win by a landslide next GE if they don't they have had a nightmare.
Me niether' i heard a quote today " the only people that vote tory are the super rich or people that have been conned by the super rich" and unfortunately theres plenty gullables in Barnsley' Boris is a r8 laugh etc' you really do despair.
Apart from the farming community around Penistone, the thick ***** in Barnsley have never voted in a Tory.
Not to mention dividends. OK some of the dividends go to pension funds but an awful lot just goes to rich people who never dodge tax do they?
Talk TV at 8 pm Piers Morgan is interviewing Rishi Sunak. I hope he asks the PM what he's going to do about it.
Nob interviewing a nob. Should be a load of bollo.cks. So that's 2 nobs and bolloc.ks. Throw in the fact that they're both a pair of tits and we have 2 nobs, bolloc.ks and 4 tits. Should be a good interview
I think it will be pretty close myself when you look at polls there’s a lot of don’t knows who usually end up voting Conservative
They didn’t buy their gas and electric in advance so when wholesale prices jumped they were left supplying customers on fixed rates with energy bought for more than they sold it. You need to move off shell though John, they’re making plenty without your pennies.
Surely the last few years should put the don't knows off voting tory its just if Labour can take those voters.