It does, crimes against property are punished more severely than those against the person (excepting murder), The Great Train Robbers received 30 year sentences despite the only physical injury being that sustained by the train driver (coshed on the head), only one of the gang being responsible and he suffered no worse in sentencing than the rest. That is only one example, there are many. Compare that to Glitter's kiddy fiddling sentence of 16 years.... I take your point about our government though.
I’m a fan of that era, but never had time for GG. Preferred the proper writers like David, Marc, Mott etc.. Glitter was just a poser with his band doing the real work. Until his first arrest, he was still selling out the Christmas Gangbang show at Wembley Arena. Was tempted to go with mates for a laugh, but nonce rumours were flying around the industry for years & I’m glad I didn’t give him my money. Dirty ****..
Blokes like Gary Glitter can’t be rehabilitated, & there are thousands just like him up & down the country, they should all be lined up & shot in my opinion. Theres no hope for them & they are stain on society, & they cost the tax payer millions to keep them housed up in prison.
Hope he dies a painful slow death in Quick Fits bogs after wolfing down his tea. "Glitter found dead on sh1tter by Quick Fit fitter after eating a pineapple fritter" Daily Sport twitter
Couldn't stand him in the 70's no talent no charisma and Couldn't sing a note. But ah were a Bowie fan with prog rock leanings and a massive dose of Northern soul . some on here are right he probably will reoffend unfortunately some poor individual will be the victim before we can lock this B******d up for good
Vile bloke. Makes a mockery of victims when 8 years for doing what he did is seen as justice enough. Especially considering his reoffending. The length of his jail time is literally less than the time between the victim's childhood to adulthood.
I've never heard that about rumours before he was caught. Were they rumours that the general public knew about like the rumours regarding cliff Richard have always been quite public? Or were they rumours that ever really got out publicly?
Personally I'm happy to pay my taxes to keep people like him alive and in prison and make him properly suffer. A quick death by whatever means is merciful.
I met industry people from that generation when I was in bands, worst kept secret in pop, apparently. Covered up, like Saville etc..
Few years ago now before covid,went to junction 32 ,heard a song in distance “Rock un rollll”,said to our lass who is playing blummin Gary Glitter ,no one wants to hear that,gets round corner ,kiddies round about ,not one kid on it or anywhere near it,2 guys running it looking at each other with puzzled expressions,”rock un roll” still blasting out from stationary roundabout,as we passed them they was talking to each other in east European accent,said to our lass ,”bet they’ve bought this and the soundtrack was already on it”,looked years old to be fair,as we walked off,”I’m the leader”starts up,thought to myself hope someone tells him or he never gonna make a penny
I've had this very same conversation with my daughter. Nasty, evil thing that he is his 'art' is out there as a separate entity in my view and in my opinion should be available and uncensored (as long as royalties are forfeited). My daughter disagrees with me and thinks his body of work should be banned, period. Debatable issue int it?
I think the should still play Glitters his music. They are always playing Michael Jackson stuff so why single out Glitter? I always switch Jackson off.
If we got rid of all the work from unsavoury artists, the British Library would suddenly have a lot of empty shelves. Makes me laugh at Christmas. Another Rock N Roll Christmas has been off the airwaves since Glitter’s first arrest, but they are happily playing the Christmas songs by a man who shot a woman dead. And if we are going to get rid of all music by artists who have history with underage kids or have been caught with related images, some very big artists are going to disappear - Jackson, Elvis, the Stones, Led Zeppelin, the Who, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, etc. In fact, I would imagine most bands who toured up to and Including the 80s must have been sweating when the Me Too movement started up.
I find it a necessity to post this. The inclusion of "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep" at the end just makes it for me. @Mr C will get this at least...
Don't blame the Glitter Band, they were decent lads...very good young musicians...most famously Gerry Shephard and John Springate. When Mike Leander 'made' Gary Glitter he needed a band who could play for touring purposes. They were young guys who had supported all sorts of people including Paul Raven before. If you listen to interviews with Gerry Shepard who wrote the Glitter band's own music, Glitter was ultra jealous and retired (first time) in protest at their success.
I think Mr. C used to know Lawrence back in the day. Pretty sure we’ve spoken about him. I’m a big fan and, as much as I love Felt, that one is my favourite track from my favourite album of his, Back in Denim. Lawrence has always been obsessed with his ambition of pop stardom, and that album should have been the one to do it. He still hasn’t given up and released a new album last week, this time under the name of Mozart Estate.