Just seen the (lack of) playing advantage for the disallowed Barnsley goal- Diabolical refereeing. Complete lack of vision and awareness of what is going on in front of him. How the hell did he get the whistle to his mouth so fast?
I hate to bring up rugby here but in the union version, the refs call it, make everyone aware of the advantage being played and then call it back if there has been no clear advantage. There is a very good time allowance given though.....yesterday the ref could have easily let that play out for just one second and see the result before doing that. Terrible decision.
One of many things done much better in rugby. And probably on reason rugby refs are more respected. Not even a hint of an apology from our numpty yesterday.
His whistle doesn’t actually stop until the balls just past the side of the keeper. One of the worst cases I’ve ever seen, shocking refereeing at any level of football I’d expect the local Sunday league ref to have the common sense to let play run to see if there’s any advantage.
I think I read that we're rightly lodging a formal complaint about it. Can't see anything coming from it except maybe a 3 match ban for McGeehan.
It will probably upset the refs so they will give even less in our favour All I know is if decisions even out over a season we are in for a lot in our favour in the run in. But I’m not expecting that to happen
I want to know WHEN these decisions are going to start 'balancing out' though. I can see how fans get frustrated. I was expecting to see one 'go our way' during the match yesterday, after his absolute howler, but it didn't. I was expecting to see one 'go our way' the game after the absolute howler of a penalty decision against larkeche, but it didn't. the quality of reffing and sheer inconsistency is maddening. I don't want favours, or decisions going our way. I just want to see refs get the big decisions right, and ref consistently. I do't think it's some kind of conspiracy against Barnsley btw. I just think the general standard of reffing is poor.
Yea most of my mates are non reds fans and mainly of the leeds variety! Now they all know all the refs are against them....but when I told them of all the pens against *(in a short space of time) and none in the league for us this season even they have to admit that's a bit crap....but just bad reffing imho, no conspiracy....just bad reffing.
The disallowed goal was ridiculous. There was all of 2 seconds between the foul and the ball going in. Not been much Collins could do about the goals that have gone against him recently, but suspect his positioning let him down for this one. Pretty much gave the attacker the bulk of the goal to aim for.
True, and his positioning probably didn't make a great deal of difference given the finish, but he just seemed to give him a lot of that side of the goal to aim for. Just looked like an odd position for him to take.