Looking back there's been lots to be proud of ..promotions, Wembley play off's. FA Cup semi at Wembley. the Premier league and dunt forget our JP trophy win...hope we can one day capture that same emotion and give the younger fans that lifetime commitment desire that us oldies had.
This is a brilliant post and sums up how I feel almost word for word. It is a long haul indeed but hopefully we will get there and the passion for the club will return to former levels!!
Are you suggesting moving the home end nearer to the away end? Maybe upto the halfway line. Or you could just move yourself to that end of the east stand.
We could also follow lots of clubs by having a anthem such as Birmingham do Bolton Coventry etc may get fans in fine voice even b4 kick a ball.
They are both still there. People who employed Paul Conway are now more visible, but who else is involved and you have to ask - why are they here?
where was the owner from who brought this approach in and passed it off as a success to sell the club?
I think last year did some real damage. It was so far beyond unacceptable. If it hadn't happened I wouldn't have believed it could happen. Horrendous year in every department. It definitely left people with a "what's the point" feeling.
After last season I lost alot of love for BFC which I thought would never happen, I didn’t renew but the most concerning part for me is that I don’t miss it at all. I don’t feel the same way about it. I like to see how we’re getting on but it doesn’t control my life like it did, I don’t spend all weekend with the face on because we’ve lost or be buzzing setdi neet after a good win, I’m just very “meh” about the whole thing. It’s a story I’ve heard all too often too. The damage that was caused last season has cost the club millions, but I fear the biggest damage is the disconnect many fans now feel. It doesn’t feel like my club anymore.
That's how I feel. It isn't just this regime though. Stupid decisions at boardroom level have alienated fans and made people question the club and it's ambition for years. It isn't just our fans that think "why do we bother?". Other people think "where are they going?" and see us as a bit of a joke club.