I would have said no and no, but having seen that US Navy footage - there's something going on - time travel?
I have and it's a decent sci-fi yarn but it time travel isn't possible. It might be possible to bend the distance between two points or short cut distance to get places quicker. However, you can't time travel.
It is pretty much nailed on that there's life in the universe- we would be arrogant to think we were the only ones. I think we're only a year or two from learning that there's life on Mars. As for UFOs... not in the extra terrestrial sense, more likely government experimenting with technology i.e. stealth aircraft etc.
I think current thinking is that you might be able to jump forward in time, but not backwards… at least from a theoretical physics point of view.
There's other planetary bodies in our solar system with suitable conditions for humans to survive, so it's impossible for there not to be at least bacterial life existing there. Whether that's the explanation for certain UFO spottings, I'm not convinced.
People in space already experience time slower then on earth - so technically they have time travelled - backwards.
Absolutely this. You see all these giga-pixel images of the galaxy / universe etc, and how can you conclude that we are the only buggers out there.
The guy on one of those Brian Cox series a couple of years demonstrated that so simply. Stand still, and at exactly 14:30:00 take one step forward. Hey presto, you are standing still again but it's 14:30:02 (the future) But there is no way possible to do it the other way round. Although you can take a step backwards, the time you get there would still be 14:30:02
Not quite true. Time, as observed from one place can be slower in other places, for example near the event horizon of a black hole. Observed from a safe distance, an object falling into the black hole appears frozen and never reaches it whilst the object itself does carry on into the hole according to the timeframe it exists in. Also if 2 atomic clocks are synchronised and one remains stationary but the other goes off round the solar system (say) then upon it's return less time will have elapsed compared to the one that remained at home. Time also slows down as an object approaches the speed of light. As Einstein said "I thought of it whilst riding my bike".
At one time it was not thought possible to travel at the speed of sound. Piece of cake now. Maybe one day, we will travel at the speed of light, but even travelling for a year at that speed we'd get nowhere near some 'close' star systems. Also worries me that if I am one of the volunteers to go on a star mission, travelling fast than the speed of light, will I be able to put my headlights on if they send me in the dark?
I guess the purist answer to that is ‘because there’s no evidence to prove otherwise’ There are many scholastic theories for people to lean on. But bottom line is that’s all they are. Unproven theories. Infinity theory for example, will tell you there’s a planet in a parallel universe, inhabited entirely by unicorns.