Could do with a man /or woman with a drum to generate some atmosphere. Anyone interested. Doing so well, in the playoff places, and we need to get behind them more . Never heard it, so it' so quite on match day.
I vaguely remember it being suggested on here before, a fair few were for it but I seem to remember a lot more against it. Not sure how I'd feel at the minute, because something definitely needs doing
How can you have an atmosphere at oakwell when everyone is expected to sit down, not swear, don't do this don't do that. Think we have probably banned half of the young lads who actually tried to make some noise. Only way to change it is to do what crystal palace did
Tomorrow, me and my lad are in. I was going to go east stand, what with the snap and stuff.. But no, my lad wants to sit in the "singing bit" So, I've got us in top corner of ponty. Hope I don't regret it or have a million coppers filming etc I'll join in, hopefully lol
Why do people need to swear to create an atmosphere? I sort of get the standing up bit, but even then, sitting doesn't stop people singing, chanting, clapping etc. I'm not really sure why it's so quiet, but not sure it's much due to those points. How many people have been banned that you know of, and what for? I know the one recently, but then abusing people isn't on and deserves a ban IMO.
Jesus leave the drum at home, sound like the pigs. It's the league, it's absolutely ***** - it's boring. I don't know why it's being brought up this season, everytime were in this league, ***** away followings, dull opposition tactics and no ****** interested. Get out of this league and its fine.
Young uns just said, Dad can we go to the game tomorrow.. l've looked at the fixtures, Cambridge at home... yes mate we'll go - I'd rather paint his bedroom again to be honest.
Ar kid loves an atmosphere. He prefers away games because of that. I get it, I do. I know it's a fine line and that, but I think the atmosphere has been killed by ripping that corner up. Lads will be lads and will take things too far which they should respect and I get that too, but somehow a balance needs to be struck. I think the atmosphere has died since that corner has been ripped up personally