Absolute fair to them. Chien used to give his obligatory Tweet, if we won, Conway would make the odd cameo in the directors box. But these two are down on the ‘shop floor’ having a first hand taste of the fan experience they are striving to improve. Can’t fault that at all and glad the players AND the fans made it feel like the good times are coming back.
Were sat about 5 rows in front of me and lad. Tbf fair to them both they were in the thick of it when singing and chanting. Even had a chuckle to myself when Khaled was clapping away when the song was blurting out about kitchen and his large weapon lol
They stayed there the whole match and every time I looked around Julie Anne was on her feet, clapping and singing - even punching the air at the end. Looked like she was having a blast. Im surprised the stewards didn't have a word
I have to say the stewards were a tad frustrating. I know that top corner has a reputation, but where I was sat I had a steward for 90 minutes in my face. At one point I stood up and just faced him. He buggered off after 30 seconds to be replaced by a mate. May as well have sat on my knee. I'm not one for causing trouble but it was almost like they were spoiling for a fight. Absolutely no need tbh
We’re at the opposite, ‘peaceful’ end of The Ponty where we have a couple of young lady stewards who pace up and down, every 5 minutes, looking down the aisles like flight attendants checking you have your seatbelt on. I was expecting them to come down selling duty free booze and perfume.
I wonder if anyone in the Ponte end went up to JAQ and compared the food on offer to her lady parts in person, or whether they're only brave enough to do it on twitter. Considering the unwarranted grief both get online, fair play to them for making an effort. It's not the first time I've seen Khaled on the Ponte either.
I hope there wasn't any abusive or sexist chanting from Julie Q. And did Khaledo share his flatbreads and weak lager with everybody lol.
I said today, that is one of the reasons for the poor atmosphere, stewards always in the top corner where the singers are, leave em be, it's noticeable even to me from the middle of east stand lower. If you are in their faces they will not want to make much noise in case they get ejected. I know there has been trouble in the past from that area especially with pyro's but that seems to have died down thankfully. Let em have some space, it's still possible to keep an eye out for trouble without stopping their exuberance for the game. Good performance today, COYR's.
I had them come past me before kick off. I told them I’d tried my best on BBS and other places to get us singing. I said ‘Thas probably seen it ant tha on bbs cos tha reads it dunt tha Khaled’? He said ‘no, ‘I’ don’t, but Looking forward to it’ I said ‘ye ok, well I will be doing my best to get em guin, n r youngen will’ he said ‘that’s what we’re here for, I will be sat there behind you to help’. But I noticed he ended up near my old stomping ground… middle/top corner of ponty
To be fair to all the young lads up there. Not an ounce of bother in my mind. Just want to sing and have a laugh from what I saw. Litterally no bother at all. But a couple of stewards really were looking to poke 'em for some reason Granted it's first time I've been up there like