Molly Malone in the early 80s. I never saw the appeal of stuffing my face at football, was more interested in those brilliant, massive player button badges you could get in the Clarke era, before they changed them to those crap plastic jobs..
Who’s that tw@? In the big black hat? Scuffer scuffer Who’s that tw@? In the big black hat Scuffer is his name On the beat all day! On the wife all night Who’s that tw@?… etc.
My first away experience on the Train was a ‘Special’ to Donny. 197879 I think it was. Clarke had just taken over and we took thousands - as we seemed to do everywhere. Not a lot left of the train as I remember! Biggest difference between then and now? The average age of the Fans. 18 then, 58 now. But I think it’s the same fans!
No, by the time I started going to away games (outside South Yorkshire) I had a car. I did go to Selhurst park by train when I lived in Cambridge (81/2 season) and remember absolute mayhem on the Underground with West Ham and Spurs fans - they weren't even playing each other....
I remember a pal of mine getting all nerdy over an old Deltic they rolled out to take us to somewhere. Carriages were well gnarly, stunk of wee. & don’t dare use the bogs..
On that note...didn't we sing "your going home in a f#cking ambulance to the away fans?" There was also the song of the same title "boots up side your head...say boots up side your head!" and who can forget the timeless classic..."Y...R..A....were Yorkshires republican army". By the way I apologise profusely in advance if any of those reminders or sentences from past songs (albeit popular then) offend anyone (and chances are some body will be!!!). I also apologize if there's any grammatically incorrect pronunciations...I've actually put a couple in just to offend!!
First games I went to my dad took a beer crate into the ground for me to stand on and watch the game from the spion kop.
i think you’ll find that was “You’re going home in a Barnsley Ambulance John.” it’s up there with the timeless classic “You’re in the Valley, the Valley of death.” Or the No 1 hit from 1976. “You’re gonna get what Bradford City got.” Which from memory (as well as a hard earned point from a 2-2 draw) was a feature on the national news because someone had thrown a brick causing a Police horse to lose it’s eye!
Daisy Daisy I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. It wont be a stylish marriage I cant afford a carriage but you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle made for 2-4-6-8 who do you appreciate B-A-R-N-S-L-E-Y Barnsley!!!
I can remember going to watch a match at Oakwell in 1968 (I was nine), on a cold winter's eve, and singing along to the PA, playing Mary Hopkin, Those were the Days. I was watching in the Brewery Stand but can not remember who we were playing against. I can remember singing with the rest of the crowd, We will fight, fight for Barnsley, go away with Liverpool, go away with Manchester, we will fight, fight, fight for Barnsley, til we win the Football league. Or something along those lines.
Yayyy you spotted one of them! I disliked the yorkshire ripper chant ...which was aimed at the police. There was nothing wrong with a hearty rendition of "come on uuuuuuu reds"
Also an old Al Jolson classic remix of Mammy..... went a bit like this.....Barnsley how I love you , how I love you my dear old Barnsley, I walk a million miles for one your smiles my Barnsley!,,,,
That was a typo dave...ha ha, bad education you was watching us until Alan Clarke took over....was that 78?