Ever since we had a new bathroom fitted, I’ve always placed two bath towels on the rail hangers. It kind of looks bare without them but more importantly it means there is a clean, dry towel for whoever uses the bathroom. Needless to say, every time i go to the bathroom, there is either a used wet towel on the radiator, or no towel at all. So i find my own clean towel from the cupboard, and I replenish the towel rail hanger. This afternoon, for the first time in living memory, the towels have been replaced on the towel rail, by someone other than me. It feels like a last minute winner. I actually punched the air. So unexpected.
I'm lucky, i guess, apart from mekking Christine a Coffee, an washing up, i dont do ought around the house, i'm not lazy i just have a good un i guess, well done Christine, your a Diamond.
Ironing..cant do wi it. we kind of struck an unofficial deal years back.. ( coming up 40 yrs) I hate gardening / she loves it..she hates DIY/ I'm sh*t hot at it..I love cooking/ she loves eating..she's good at paperwork insurance etc/ I do MOT''s, car repairs tyres etc..I lv BFC and she likes coffee n cake wi her sisters...so it's nicely balanced and worked so far....al let ya kno if she tells mi any different lol
She does the garden . I mow the lawn. She does the washing. I bring it in if it's raining. I help her change the bed. I do the ironing if she's hospitalised for a week. She makes me put the bins out even though we both contribute to filling em. I'm a 2 out of 10 when it comes to hows yer father. Whereas I think I'm a 10 out of 10. What more could a woman ever want. "Ouch" "where the fekk did that come from". "Sorry dear"
I want one of those If I leave stuff lying around it doesnt just magically disappear. I get the dreaded "Would you like to...." I did once try saying no I didnt like to move all the junk off the coffee table but dont think I will be trying that again We both do the leaving stuff on the stairs thing but which ever of us next goes up them picks it up and takes it . so its never there for long
That was going to be my reply. Who did they think was going to do the big shop and dusting if they weren’t married? Their mummies?
Same. Why would you leave stuff on the stairs? A step is a tiny surface area for one and I don’t understand what this mystery stuff to go upstairs is. I can only presume it’s something like toilet roll, and not a personal possession such as a book or charger that you’d keep in your bedroom as that means expecting/wanting other family members to go in your room.
This makes sense! I grew up in a bungalow! Duh! We did have a dorma room but it was my parents so obviously no one would leave stuff there to be taken upstairs.
I'm so glad you said this because everyone else seemed to be confirming it happens everywhere. On toilet roll etc am I the only one who sticks them all in the same bag at the supermarket then just takes the bag straight upstairs when I get home? Why add in an extra step of leaving them in the way?