That sounds like someone I know. I guarantee if I took a photo of how the dishwasher has been stacked today, and stacked it in an identical way, he would still feel the need to check and rearrange something.
I see where you're coming from....all trousers together, t shirts together, towels together etc and both the pegs for each item have to be of the same style and colour.......I think I have mild ocd.
They come off their the corners of the bed more easily! Maybe I might go back to flat sheets and hospital corners!
Putting duvet inside the cover, it's a wrestling match every time, pegging out sheets is something I'm also crap at
In our house, my wife has divided everything into "blue" jobs and "pink" jobs. Blue jobs include; all DIY (I'm happy enough with that), mowing the grass, painting ceilings (hate that) and emptying the toilet cassette in the motorhome. Not quite got to the bottom of the Pink jobs list as quite a lot of them I end up doing as well (hoovering, painting anything, cooking and ironing to name but a few). I think I went wrong somewhere....
this is the best part of my week! Picking all the fruit, veg, meat, trying new products, ingredients for different recipes - and not feeling bad blowing 350$
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