"On the potential for re-development, he continued: "It completely depends as we are going to have to bring in architects and all of that to see if it is even possible and the cost of it etc. "We are not there. But the main focus is that we want to stay in Barnsley." Hmmm
Yep, I thought he was very vague in answering that question. In fact all his answers relating to the ground were non committal or bordering on it.
One thing I notice is they always seem to say they want to stay in Barnsley but not that they want to stay at Oakwell
posted this a number of times in the past - Anyone, not necessarily the owner, can apply for a Preservation Order to be put on any building. If parts of the West Stand (it doesn't have to be the whole thing) meet the Preservation Requirement Standard - e.g. Committee Room panelling - the ancient seating then it can't be touched. Are the owners aware of this?
I read the whole article, but I'm not sure it actually said anything. Apart from saying how great the board are in financially backing the club. Am I missing something?
That's because the Football Club is nothing more than a franchise now it's separate from the ground. They could take it where the hell they wanted once the lease is up. Like the Harlem f c ukin' globe trotters.
Oakwell is too big for us these days and is starting to deteriorate. A new 16k capacity stadium might not be a bad thing if I’m honest. Won’t happen though without a helluva lot of funding…..
Loose change. If these owners wanted it that bad they could make that happen. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we ground shared whilst a new ground was built at Dodworth or Corton Wood.
Small business mentality = small business. Going backwards to a small stadium is crazy. It would also cost a LOT more than modernising oakwell
I've got to throw this in. I've yet to see any statement whatsoever from anybody at BMBC that suggests they give a flying f**k about Barnsley FC. There's two sides to every coin.
I only posted the strange comment that doesn't mention Oakwell. No issue with the rest of the article, per se. "We are not there. But the main focus is that we want to stay in Barnsley." My opinion, and I stress this is only my opinion, is that sentence seems to match recent rhetoric coming out of the club.
Smaller stadium would generate a better atmosphere. Rebuilding the West Stand would cost a fortune and what capacity would you make it? Could potentially end up with an even bigger ground if it was made to fit in with rest of stands.
Tbf to Khaled, he doesn’t own Oakwell. Neither do BFCIC. Personally think it’s about time the actual property owners start getting asked these questions.
I can't understand it when people say the ground is deteriorating, how? The West stand is old granted and does require something doing to it but the rest of the ground is basically concrete and steel and that will stay the same for years to come, apart from a lick of paint I can't see what else can be done about the structures.
Well I certainly wouldn’t reduce the capacity, A single tier stand with the both the corners ‘filled in’ would make a big difference, and surely wouldn’t cost anywhere near as much as a new Lower capacity stadium
We don’t need a new ground in my eyes, just a new west stand as someone has said......I would like us to maintain a capacity of 18000/2000 though......surely the aim should be to have 12000 to 15000 season ticket holders in future......away fans can have rest!
I’d say 16k is a bit on the small side. We can get around 14k when doing ok in the championship, plus any big away followings. I wouldn’t be against a 18-20k seater stadium as long as we can actually sell tickets for all the seats, as opposed to the thousands of seats we currently don’t sell tickets for in the north / west stands.