We watch I-follow on Firefox through our telly and never have any bother. I’m sure it’s very frustrating for people who have issues but I’m not sure what’s causing that to happen.
It worked perfectly for me. I bought my video match pass at 7.10 pm and went straight to the live match centre, where I saw the lads limbering up. Both picture and sound were excellent all match. I get it on my laptop and connect that to my TV.
I am sorry to hear that, Mark. Please email ifollow@efl.com and cc media@barnsleyfc.co.uk in the email, with any supporting attachments.
Have you got apple’s private relay switched on (settings / icloud) ? I've seen that break ifollow. I suspect since everyone else had little or no problems, the issue is likely to be your end (I connected via an iPad and my phone in KK station for instance so.no fast internet). Failing that, what about a VPN?
In general I have few problems with iFollow. Sometimes the commentary is one or two seconds in front of the images so we always know that an attack will come to nowt. The summarising is cut off so Jeff Stelling can tell me gambling is responsible. There is a large white box with sponsors over the stadium feed before the match where I'd prefer to see what's behind it. But never any issues with access. Well, apart from the last match, which was a write off. They need the app on the Windows Store so PC users can access it when the website goes down.
Bloody Hell Whitey...22mins past Midnight and your dealing with customer complaints.....unbelievable dedication.
I was 10 minutes into it when I started, also zero issues (not sure I remember ever really having issues in truth). Watched it as if it was live and caught up at half time.
I think you've done a great job watching 2/3 of it on an email app, to be honest. Was it one touch per email?
never had a problem with any of the games i have seen on ifollow use laptop windows 11 and chrome browser