Truth be told TM, we had a very nice lunch at the Waggon and Horses at Oxspring. Feeling somewhat in the groove we decided to ditch the car afterwards and walk into town to share a bottle of wine. Things became more civilised when we retreated to the Tin 'Oyle! The 'osses probably deserves a whole other thread! Thing is, I've barely had a bet since the turn of the year, but it seems to me something odd is going on. I am seeing very little value in the odds on offer for the big weekend races of late, and the advance prices for the Cheltenham contests are laughable. So I haven't been much tempted, and in any event we only got back from 9 days in Lanzarote last week. It's a grand life for Lady Kaht. We're still waiting to see if it will work out (after 41 years!)
Don’t wear a baseball cap unless you want verbally abused and your cap torn from your head and thrown to the ground by the door staff. My experience. Welcome to Barnsley.
Wishing a company to close and thousands of people to lose jobs all because Tim Martin voted different to you. Everyone is entitled to and opinion well not on here anyway
Given the effect on the staff, I'd settle for the company to struggle a little until he is ousted and then under new management they continue to trade. And then he can be cast in a local theatre remake of Worzel Gummidge.
He is now reaping the rewards of voting and supporting lBrexit. He no longer has access to the foreign workforce, and he is not alone in the service industry, there are vacancies everywhere.
I never noticed a massive amount of foreign workers working in any witherspoons. But irrelevant you don't wish someone's business to go under and thousands of people to lose their jobs because their boss voted for something that you were against.
It’s more about how he treated his staff through lockdown, not how he voted. That’s why he’s not liked..
All those nice new places in town to share a bottle of wine and you've chosen that one that probably only sells Jack Rabbit
Its the coach and horses round the corner from Donny market and yes while i dont want to assume anyone's gender or misgender anyone or anything like that I believe that the blonde isn't a biological female.