Some suggesting it was a poor turnout. I’d say it was decent. In recent weeks we’ve had trips to Portsmouth, Oxford, Charlton, Derby plus the aborted trip to Exeter. Throw Valentines Day and the fact it’s midweek and available on ifollow for £10. Well done to the 700+
Decent turnout for a Valentine's Day Been a few conversations like this Where you taking me on Tuesday? I'm off to Port Vale Away! There's yer bags - see ya!
Decent turnout for me, not a great night to travel, it was available on i Follow and valentines night
I do enjoy dipping into other fan forums every now and then. Reminds me that we often have lots in common. I didn't think the comments on travelling fans were too bad. Couple saying they thought we'd bring more, couple reminding em of other circumstances. Seems fair enough.
They brought less when it was a Saturday with kinder weather and no Valentine’s Day! Not to mention the post new year / winter fuel skintness going on at the moment. They’d bring 400 tops if boot was on other foot. Thought it was a very decent effort for a club our size. Not that it really matters I suppose.
There are sadly, very few places that we can, with no irony, justifiably sing ........"(town name)'s a shitole, I wanna go home". Port Vale is one of them.
Looking at Jan/Feb we will have had 6 out of 10 fixtures plus Exeter away. Where some of our fans get their money from is remarkable and praiseworthy.