Apart from almost everything. That hundreds of men go missing every day and nobody cares one bit but every time a blonde haired white woman goes missing it's front page news, the media goes crazy and hundreds of thousands are spent trying to find her
Why so? I don't like the way that mens lives have so little value that nobody cares about the hundreds who disappear each day (and it is hundreds). I'm not the first person to mention the disparity in how we treat the disappearance of different genders and races, it even has a name. Missing White Woman Syndrome
There’s loads of white women go missing everyday as well that don’t make the media , I just don’t get your umbrage
I suppose the thing to consider is how many of those men are found safe and well after a short time? Simply 100's of men go missing isn't enough data, similarly 100's of women go missing. Most missing people are found - and quickly for better or for worst. There are occasional stories such as the current one where things are unclear and aren't sorted out within a day or two.
Probably because of the second part of your post. If you’d have stuck with the bit before the ‘but’ then it may have been less controversial. I don’t think you are but it sounds like you’re angry that effort is being put into finding Nicola. It reads like you’re trying to bring everyone down to the lowest common denominator rather than lifting the other up.
It isn't so much the money spent trying to find her, its the media coverage given. If a blonde haired white woman goes missing it is front page news. If a man disappears off the face of the planet its very rare anyone ever even hears about it. It's just wrong. I believe the stats are something like 6 men disappear for longer than a few days for every woman who does. The media doesnt give a shiny **** about the lives of men which is why so many men commit suicide, they feel dispensable. People will say that they do care but by and large the media and public don't. There aren't even any suspicious circumstances in her disappearance, it's a woman suffering with stress and anxiety who is in financial trouble who's put her phone on mute during a work conference call and disappeared with no signs of a struggle. Lets be honest if that was a bloke we'd all be saying he's left his life behind and walked away or something. I sincerely hope that she turns up alive and well but I hope the thousands of men who have disappeared since she did also turn up alive and well. Its a shame the same media coverage isn't given to their disappearances as it is to hers as maybe then they'd be found. I'd also like to add that the people accusing her partner of being involved and of her friend of being involved are scum. The people finding locals and accusing them are scum. It's a family woman who's gone missing and speculation and accusations help nobody, nor do internet sleuths. For the sake of her kids I hope she walks through the door tonight
Perhaps it's because too many stories like this have ended up where dreadful things have been done to women out alone. I'm all for greater publicity for missing males too but it's not some sort of competition.
In all honesty, the media probably doesn't care about the blonde haired white woman either, just what sells newspapers.
Archey has hit the nail on the head. It’s all about who they can spin a good story for. There’s thousands of other women who have gone missing, including blonde white ones who haven’t got the coverage. Every so often they strike gold in clicks and they run with it.
Spin in the Sherlock Holmes style vanished into thin air bit, so that everyone has a theory and can get invested and boom! Clicks galore! I hope she’s found, and I really don’t see that it’s a male female competition…
Agree with all this. It's not an anti men thing, it's a despicable media thing. They'll cash in on any story they can sensationalise to make a buck. There's some disgusting media outlets but people keep buying the papers, clicking the links etc. Piers Morgan should have been hounded into silence and obscurity not have every word he utters fawned over.
I don't know if anyone watched the last series of "Reported Missing" - which was set in South Yorkshire. It featured a variety of people that went missing over several months. The reasons behind it were complex and varied - iirc one went off their meds and had a mental health break, one was in an controlling relationship, another "found" religion/a cult, another had learning difficulties and went for a 20 mile walk, another was a teenager that was bullied. The point is that people do go missing daily, the vast majority are found relatively quickly and for most the underlying reasons are known. Very few just vanish while walking the dog and on a work conference call. That makes it more interesting and sells more papers.