We got rid of our vinyl and replaced it with tiles in the bathroom and the kitchen. It's a regret because black tiles are a bugger to keep clean.
I hope they do, Mr B! Actually, when I looked into selling the things a couple of years ago the offers seemed fairly derisory - even though you'd be charged more to buy them. I don't need the money, so I'm more than happy for the Hospice to make what they can out of them.
I have managed to replace just about every LP i had when i was young(er). This was brought on when Cambridge Audio brought out a good quality deck with Bluetooth. Now I can sit in my chair and change my records without getting out of my seat. Most of them came off the stall on the market outside the health food place. Never had a bad one and all less than a tenner. I can now play any format, I have Vinyl days, every day is a Boom radio day first thing and later Mp 3 player. Since age and Menières disease have played havoc with my hearing music plays a big part in my day as it masks the tinnitus i get 24/7
A really good cause. They will have someone who can make sure the Hospice get a good price for them no doubt.
I took my 100 plus collection of LPs to a dealer in Henley about ten years ago and got what I thought was a fair price - £130 I think. I used most of that to buy an iPod Nano. A beautiful little piece of high tech in blue which I was pleased with. However, within a few years, I was only listening to my digital music on the iPhone so the Nano is now back in its box, unused. Looking at the price of LPs nowadays I wish I’d hung on to them
Nano's aren't supported now. I can't get mine to synch anymore; and I'm crap at IT so can't get the songs out of it to put on my android phone.
It was such a great piece of kit but I had no idea, at that time, that smart phones were coming. There’s certainly no point in having both devices so I consider that purchase a waste of money
This reminded me of an album I had years ago. It was called “The rock machine turns you on “. I googled it and found that it was the first cheap compilation/promotional album ever released.
Roof has to come off to get it back out at a guess. Plenty of vinyl. Singles and Lps. Including a bowie limited edition let's dance Lp. On yellow vinyl. I Havent a clue as to its value and it's in mint condition, Never been played. (Bought the normal one to play)
Don't think the LP's ever been officially released on yellow vinyl, certainly not in the UK. Probably a hooky copy, unfortunately. Is it definitely the LP? There was a yellow vinyl single of the title track released in 2015, but that's as near as I can get. One of those would pay for your season ticket for the next couple of years
If anyone has any vinyl they want me to sell for them. I buy and sell as a hobby. Happy to do it FOC got you.
Remember waiting till a single I liked dropped out of the charts then going to tarn and lookin in the second hand vinyl shop and pickin em up for 50p ( minus the centre)
Thanks for that Mickey. Been saying it for as long as I can remember lol. Daft thing is I'm able to put my hand straight on it. Just checked Could send you a photo via what's app. As it wouldn't transfer to this site. If you wish I could pm you. It is in fact David Bowie STAGE. And a DOUBLE special edition yellow vinyl album to boot. Guess what. The other double album is Stage black vinyl. With a price tag on it of 79p (Oxfam) I also have the album let's dance. Dont know how to get valuations. Not looking to sell but would be interested to know.