Try living in the loft of an Edwardian building overlooking Meanwood Ridge. Hoping the roof stays on.
A59 outside my house a bit chaotic for an hour this morning with half a tree down. Amazingly nobody ended up underneath it which is incredible as this is a very busy road.
Walked the dog earlier up the main road with the wind blowing down it, and about half a dozen bins were blown over with all sorts of items coming at me at high velocity. Was a bit like a bad 80s video game having to dodge flying milk cartons and a tin lids rolling at high speed on their edges like buzz saws! Dog wasn't keen.
The lunchtime Calendar showed a Porsche not far from me with a new sunroof feature - a whacking great portion of tree seems to have written it off. Thank goodness it’s calm now. Try some of this mate. Lifetime's supply in that bottle for the likes of me and thee