was just wondering since Beevor Court is our access, rightly or wrongly, and no public can enter or leave within 90 minutes or whatever, then what is the situation at Hillsborough, Bramall Lane, Leeds or wherever else. With crowds of 20 or 30 thousands coming to the grounds from all directions how do the emergency services close off roads to stop people getting to these grounds. When you think of Beevor Court it's not exactly crammed with people before the game and traffic is sporadic up to the car park. Obviously it's different after a game. Maybe I'm overthinking this but it just came to mind.
You’re 100% over thinking it!!! Top and bottom, BMBC have declared it a road available only to emergency services on match days, folk need to let it go and stop moaning they have to walk an extra 300 yd!!!
Is it not fair to question why our council or people at it are treating our club much harsher than other local councils are treating their local clubs?
Why the **** are they treating us harsh? There’s folk dying in Turkey but yet folk are getting upset about a gate that’s closed for 90 minutes………..really????
Sorry that’s a totally rubbish argument. The 2 items are not in anyway linked. It’s totally possible to be appalled at what’s happening in Turkey and also question why our football teams fans seem to be treated differently to others
Yes I don’t believe any other club has an entire access completely closed to pedestrians and vehicles and reserved solely in case emergency vehicles want to use it. Can you give me a case to prove me wrong?
By the way it doesn’t affect me personally I wouldn’t use it even if it was opened by I can see why some people are unhappy. Another 300 yards to walk is a lot for some people
The emergency access ar Hillsborough is a gate at the Leppings Lane end with a sign on it saying emergency vehicle access, do not park in front.of this gate. Our equivalent would be to put a similar sign on the gate that accesses the North Stand.
It's not a moan !! I've got used to the idea so not a great problem. It's a simple question I asked, maybe there's no answer.
But does this include people as well as vehicles? It's one thing stopping a few hundred people at Oakwell but a few thousand at Hillsb. I presume the same emergency vehicles at Hillsb would then have to fight their way through the crowds, depending on the time of the incident. Do they close Leppings Lane or the other main roads ... doubt it. You know what I'm trying to say.
2 points no one is criticising the club here it’s the safety committee that appear to have placed much more stringent conditions on the club than any other club seems to have placed in them. I don’t know for certain no other club has similar rules. But all the ones I do know about don’t have the same restrictions I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask why. It doesn’t appear the club understand either just an order with no clear justification
I'd be more peed off about them repairing the fence near the corner of the Ponty and East stand stopping folk from risking injury and being caked in mud....
Is it closed to pedestrians? I genuinely don’t know as I haven been to their dump of a ground recently
New York stadium has two access routes to the stadium, don street and new York way. Both are open to supporters on matchdays. There is no dedicated access route for emergency vehicles. Sheffield United's access plan allows pedestrian access from all points towards the ground. The emergency access route is open to pedestrians. Donny has no access restrictions that I can find. Sheffield Wednesday leppings lane closes to allow coach access not emergency vehicle access. It is reopened once coaches have arrived at the clubs safety officers discretion. Barnsley. Beevor court is closed completely.
Maybe someone should email BMBC a FOI request to see exactly why? EDIT: I've just submitted a FOI to BMBC for all information relating to this.
So the beef here is quite clearly with BMBC as far as I can see then? I wonder why the club get all the flak