Get your balls out put em on the table. Get your lass to hit em with a cricket bat. You will see the wax fking fly out
Go to Boots or Specsavers, they can do it for you I believe. I think they've stopped doing it on NHS now.
You done a covid test? I’d had a blocked ear for over a week a month or so back (and a cough) and eventually tested - it was positive. Not that it makes much difference now as there’s no statutory quarantine etc but I don’t know if you have any vulnerable family members or work colleagues etc, might be worth checking. My ear cleared itself, when I’d tried allsorts with no success, when I had a mouth gaping yawn - but this was after a couple of weeks. For that two weeks I felt like my ear had popped on a flight and just wouldn’t go back. Spent half my time with my thumb in my mouth trying to blow to clear it. Violent coughing didn’t help, I tried olive oil, warm water, swabbed with cotton buds. Just had to give it time - and a big yawn - in the end. Very annoying. Not painful, but frustrating.
No I haven't yet. I will do now though. You're right it isn't painful but it's very frustrating. Can't hear out of my right ear.
It could be a build-up of wax. Happened to me once. Very suddenly, felt like I had air in there that I couldn't get rid of. Went to the ear, nose and throat specialist the next day who sprayed it with a jet of warm water and it came out after a couple of seconds. Apparently it's as a result of using cotton buds at the wrong angle when cleaning your lugholes.
Years ago my mum used to tell me to had a pillow in front of fire until hot and then hold it to my ear. safety first in our house
It's just popped. My hearing returned. Then I went to the toilet and it's gone again. Popping my ear seems to be working.
I've got one of those ear cameras which you very gently put into your ear and you can see the wax, if there is any, via the camera on to your mobile phone screen. There's a soft tip to the ear camera thingy and by GENTLY manoeuvering it in your ear you can pick the wax out and if there's enough start up a candle making business. It's a shock sometimes to see what's in there !!
It must be getting better because it's intermittent blocking now. Since popping it earlier had my hearing back for an hour. I've lied in bed and it's gone again.