Should she be allowed back. ? It's one I have have mixed feelings about. At 15 was she groomed. I'd say yes. But she then became a major recruiter. Under duress I would imagine. Should she not be allowed back. Because you believe she probably hasn't changed. Or not allowed back as an example to others. This is the one I'd probably have most sympathy with.
If she got brought back and was allowed to roam the streets again, would people risk her not doing something silly? It's not worth the risk. If ISIS were still as powerful now as they were when she went, she wouldn't want to be coming back now.
This case is about whether the removal of her British citizenship was lawful - not about whether she can return. The likelihood is that if she did, she would be arrested on arrival and tried for terrorism-related offences.
Ye bring her back but the charge should be Treason for which the sentence is Life.... am not sure she would want to return if the choice was being locked up for good with no parole..watched one part of her interview and very much got the impression that she thinks we should all forgive and forget and allow her to walk the streets of the UK free as a bird.....
I’m not sure it was legal. There is an argument she’s been left ‘stateless’ as she appears not to have gained Bangladeshi citizenship as Sajid Javed said she would when he did it. You can’t leave somebody without any citizenship at all. Regardless, to me it was wrong. What other purpose would ISIS have for recruiting underage girls than marrying them off to their fighters, keeping promises they made to them? She was indoctrinated as a child, groomed online, and married off to a man in his late twenties when she was 15. Yes she was part of ISIS, and got involved in recruiting new people and spreading the propaganda. That isn’t excused in any argument. But the fact she was there in the first place was due to her being groomed over a long period of time whilst she was a child. It should also be said that overturning this and giving her citizenship isn’t the ticket home some would have you believe. There are plenty of women in her camp and similar camps who have retained British citizenship; yet they haven’t been repatriated. It is also worth noting that the U.K. is the only country that is regularly stripping citizenship in this manner except Bahrain, and all allied countries have been repatriating their citizens who have been involved in ISIS or are family members of them except the U.K. And they wouldn’t all have been children when they were ‘recruited’. And if I needed any other argument to support her getting her citizenship back, have a look who is most against this in their Twitter feeds. The usual far right army, including that absolute arse Kevin Edger.
What. Two hat a ball as far as tha can. Walk for ages. Go try find it Then two hat it again. To go try find it again. Repeat the above till tha can get it ont green. Numerous in my case. Then have umpteen attempts ont puttin green to get it in a friggin oyl. Breaking thi back getting it back art. Repeat and rinse the above 17 more friggin times. Teks mi 100s of shots ont crazy golf n'all No thanks I'll stick to croquet and watching the news Paul.
I'd take your Shamima Begum - who has lost her citizenship - and raise you Samantha Lewthwaite - who still retains hers despite being married to a 7/7 bomber and being on the Interpol "Red List" for her part in a terrorist attack in Kenya (iirc). I can't see any reason why one who retain their British citizenship and the other wouldn't... She should be brought back. She should be arrested, questioned and charged to the full extent of the law for any crimes committed and tried in a court of law and *if/when* found guilty given a sentence according to the law *at the time of the offences*. As should anyone else involved in her leaving the country as an accomplish.
"We need to send these foreign criminals back to their own country". British criminal to be sent back to UK. "No, that's not fair" See also: "These white girls groomed by the Asian Gangs in Rotherham is horrible" British Asian gets groomed by Asian Gang: "Well it's her fault"
whether she's changed or not, the government arbitrarily removing someone's citizenship is a dangerous precedent, the kind of thing you'd expect from dictatorships.