If you saw the words..... "Golygu i fod" what would that translate as. I know what Google and Alexa say it means, but that's not always the same as a native speaker.
sheep-shagger here ! In the following sentence 'Beth mae o yn (G)OLYGU I FOD yn Gymro' the translation would be 'What DOES IT MEAN to be a Welshman? (n.b. the Golygu has mutated to Olygu.) 'Golygu i Fod' may have a slightly different meaning in a different context.
There's been an adventure game running since 1982 where the final puzzle appears to be in ancient Welsh. Something to do with whether 'claisanc' means weed or not. You should get involved @Red-Taff.
I'm trying to get the Welsh for "meant to be" as in, it was meant to be, or fated. I had settled on Golygu i Fod, but then I've seen other variations.