Watched this today and it comes as no surprise, especially given the hate peddled by the government and right wing media. The appearance on GBeebies News by the Home Secretary just about sums up where the conservatives stand on this
Oh really, Suella. You do realise if these thugs get their way, the next step will be immigrants and their families who have settled here?
Rich folk don't protest as it doesn't really affect them. They've enough money to not care. Some people with a poor economic outlook, a crap education and years of indoctrination via media, their peers and family are invariably going to end up at the sharp end of demonstrations. Braveman is a disgrace. Dog whistle politics are its worst.
‘They come over ‘ere, tekkin us jobs’. Yes flower. I bet I’ve got as many jars of scotch mist as you have days worked. ‘Dirty immigrant ********’. That’s not racist you know. No prejudice. The Home Secretary said so.
A bunch of thick fuckwits who will be creaming more off the state than any single one of those people inside that hotel. Pretty much this:
I commented on the Livestream on facebook, asking why immigrants had better English skills than English right wing nutters. I got called a bleeding hearts leftie, suggested to that i should put them up at my place. They just remind me of the muslamic ray guns guy
Most of the morons probably voted for the people who are really responsible for the crisis in the first place.
That woman who spoke to the journalist and wouldn’t show her face needs firing into the sun. Sounds like possibly one of the worst people of all time.
I've got to put my hope in the belief that while extreme, these are still very small minority groups. If this thinking ever seriously threatens majority view, the country is done. The pure hate and ignorance is bred, it's not born. The rage coming from that woman is a lifetime of having nothing, and being surrounded by misinformation and bigotry. It's all she knows, and it's all her kids will grow up to believe. It's all just so grim.
The people depicted in the opening post are thugs. Pure and simple. The problem comes from the top. It's welfare that has failed. Immigrants are attracted to the U.K because they see the chavs depicted in the opening post living it up with their benefits and want a share.
It always puzzles me when people start spouting about ‘living it up with their benefits’. My son is disabled due to a serious illness he had when he was 9 years old. I’m pretty well educated (Bachelor and Masters degree), yet navigating the benefits system over the years has taken an incredible amount of research and persistence on my behalf in order to be able to advocate effectively on his behalf. My personal experience is of a system that will do everything it can to avoid paying (pretty meagre) benefits. And over the years, particularly following Osborne’s remarks about people on benefits enjoying themselves at the expense of the taxpayer, we have had to put up with, for example, no-mark bus drivers aggressively questioning whether he was genuinely disabled and therefore allowed free travel. Which I find ironic given I was a higher-rate taxpayer for donkey’s years, possibly paying more tax and NI in a year than your average bus driver pays in ten (not that I have anything at all against bus drivers in general; I was simply disgusted with a couple we ended up reporting to Stagecoach). Perhaps we’ve just been unlucky, and the reality is much closer to the propaganda being drip-fed from the top in an effort to ensure the continuance of the centuries old ‘divide and rule’ principle. Very much doubt it though.
And yet all the immigrants over here in Kerry SD work their arses off. I'll guarantee you one thing SD, there's a shed load more white, English folk milking the benefits system.
It's the point about 'drip fed propaganda'. There's a substantial number of people in this Country who genuinely believe in benefit culture and benefit scroungers. Years of drip drip have fed this culture - much of it from mainstream politicians and channel 5 'documentaries. We're now reaping what we've sown. The facts paint a very different picture: Total welfare budget £270 billion. Around 35% of total Govt spending. The biggies are £111b on Old Age Pensions £46b in Child Benefit/Income Support £44b on incapacity/injury/disability. £35b on personal social services £2b on Unemployment benefits! I look forward to seeing the Rotherham protesters outside their local Care home having a pop at those scroungers.