Just take time out SD. Keep thi powder dry. You don't have to be the BBS equivalent of Google; answering or responding to everything.
Honest question: do you respond to *every single thing* anyone says in every conversation you have in real life with innuendos and inappropriate jokes? And if so, how do most people react?
Don’t worry us working class folk like a bit of carry on postcard humour ,you need to start the BBS intelligentsia forum
Nobody says anything about it 99 times out of 100, but then when he does that 1 time and its totally inappropriate i.e. a parent concerned about their underage child being propositioned for sex by a 30 odd year old, then it is dummies out of the cot and the whole woe is me persecution crap. Nobody wants him to leave, he's just creating drama and needs to stop behaving like a kid. If you're going to post risky stuff, expect a reaction at times. If you have an opinion against the vast majority, expect to be challenged on it at times. It isn't difficult to understand.
Since when have I not been working class? I’m wondering if he’s the same in real life or if he has created a persona for here that’s kind of took over and now he’s stuck with it. A lot of his stuff is funny but some of it just isn’t. I reckon he would enjoy it here more too if he didn’t feel like he had to perform this role 24/7.
All you holier than thou folk ,complaining about SD ,whilst happily having a thread on “who would you have a go on ,but not tell your mates”,how’s that sit then,a thread saying “name an ugly women you would have sex with “,the most non PC thread ever
You need to find folk complaining about SD bit of smut who was on the thread to make your reply work PAL
No one can complain about SD bit of innuendo when a thread on here as over 300 reply’s about sex with an ugly man or women,where’s all the complaints about that ,hypocritical say the least
That's the point though, nobody would care if it was contained to one thread, just not every single topic, regardless of how inappropriate.