For those who have followed the machinations of Oxfordshire Council vs Clarkson’s Farm I did a quick for/against analysis relating to the Diddly Squat application planning department reasoning behind the constant application refusals... For…. 1 Supports the Govt plans to support British agriculture and in the wake of Brexit and replace lost subsidies by enabling Farm,s to diversify. 2 Encourage people to buy local produce 3 Provide a ‘showcase’ for local farmers’ produce via a farm restaurant using only locally sourced produce 4 Provide a’market’ for local farmers’ produce via farm shop. 5 Capitalise on Clarkson’s high profile celebrity/notoriety status to increase visitors to the area 6 Provide employment for locals 7 Ensure the sustainability of local farmers who maintain the environment in what is regarded as an ‘Area of outstanding natural beauty’ Against… 1 Someone in the council planning likes to go out at night and look at the stars (Dark Skies policy) 2 Clarkson is a Tw*t 3 Clarkson is a Tw*t 4 Clarkson is a Tw*t 5 Clarkson is a Tw*t 6 Clarkson is a Tw*t 7 Clarkson is a Tw*t ……….. Applications refused!! The legitimate problem of people blocking roads and parking on the verges to go to the shop and mud on the road became a self fulfilling prophesy due to the council’s ridiculous refusal to allow one field to be suitably surfaced to allow parking which would have eliminated the problem. The dark skies argument (one person) is nonsense as there is a caravan park next door which they fail to mention. Whilst Clarkson is often…ahem…controversial!.. he is on this occasion, IMO, with this series, doing a great service to UK farmers highlighting all the red tape,OTT rules and barriers that farmers face every working day. The council on the other hand have shown themselves to be, petty, out of touch with the realities of modern farming and the problems it faces and worse, unaccountable and unelected.
Classic case of the local busybody NIMBY with nowt better to do than cause problems for other people. Their moment of power. Serve him right if the farms went under and they build a housing estate on the farmland behind his house instead.
You need to edit your title. It’s on Amazon Prime Video and I’ve watched and enjoyed every episode of series one, and the first of series two. His book about it was a proper laugh out loud as well. I know he’s not popular with many but I just take him for what he is. His feature length TG specials with Hammond and May have been brilliant. He’s an entertaining guy who has made a lot of money along the way. Good luck to him. He blows plenty of other current “personalities” right out of the water.
The guy is great entertainment, Clarkson's farm is brilliant, this latest series is very funny, the chilli episode had me in stitches, the man just knows how to get a reaction and people that can't grasp it are missing out on good telly. It's worth watching just for Gerald alone.
Hear Hear! At last someone with the same opinion as me. That bit with Gerald in the combine trying to communicate with the others, included Clarkson, was proper wet yourself funny! I don't know if he genuinely speaks like that but it's worth the admission money alone just to listen to him, and then watch Clarkson's face as he tries to decipher the dialogue. Really looking forward to watching the rest of series 2. Top quality telly with a serious message about the state of British farming and the bureaucrats who do their best to ruin it.
I was a bit worried in the final episode series 2. Gerald uttered a sentence that I actually (more or less) understood.
What about the impact on all the local farmers? What he was attempting would have benefitted them all and in fact, possibly saved one or two of them from going under which was/Is looking likely, particularly the dairy farmer who supplied his milk in the farm shop . Disappointed as your posts sometimes suggest you have a compassionate nature. Whatever your views of Clarkson, as I posted, both series have shown glimpses of the other side of his character. He is without doubt a Marmite character but he does come across well here even if pretty inept when It comes to farming itself.
I've not seen it tbf, but in relation to the car parking the Council are within their rights to stop him taking chunks out of green belt land to put tarmac or concrete hard standing down. I do think they could allow a mesh type surface that is less permanent to be put down though.
Slightly off topic, but in an attempt to save money (and not spend it on things I don't need), I've been rewatching Top Gear. I started at the revamp in 2001ish, and am currently on Series 20 (approx 2013). I've always known Clarkson's humour has been close to the bone, but having rewatched Top Gear, a lot of the in studio stuff is cringe worthy. The constant insinuations that James May is gay (as if that's an insult) and his obsession with the war are one thing. But the way he treats female guests and audience members is particularly alarming. I've grown up watching Jeremy Clarkson, and often found his metaphors when road testing cars quite witty, but I reckon once I've got through this run through (I'm only a couple of serieses from him getting sacked), I don't think I'll be going out of my way to watch him anymore.
Must admit I really enjoyed both seasons and agree with the OPs view about their treatment of him and the impact on his neighbouring farmers. It’s also quite an eye opener from the point of view of issues farmers face in this country. Not being able to do anything about badgers carrying TB then affecting cattle and them having to be destroyed., for instance.
I don’t understand why he doesn’t just rip up some of his field and put some artificial grass down….what?
When he's not being outrageous and controversial to promote his image, he does make some sensible points, particularly about farming. He didn't have much of a clue about farming but he's probably learnt quite a lot from caleb. He does have plenty of cash to throw at it which is a major advantage. I expect some of the funny stuff is stage managed, like most other reality TV. Still a good laugh though. I watched an interview on YouTube with him and caleb the other day. Performance people they explain how it came about.