Aye. There's a point in that. Have to remember at the end of the day, it's just another game and there's still 15 more to go after tomorrow. I hope people don't go overboard, if we lose.
$hit Barnsley tango, you're just a $hit Barnsley tango, $hit Barnsley taaaaaango, you're just a $hit Barnsley taaaaango. imagine. 5000 derby fans chanting at ya
I'm gutted about this, I've got used to a empty seat at the side of me so I can stretch out a bit. Now I'm going to have someone who's not been in years gleefully telling everyone this is why they don't come anymore as we go 2 0 down
Sounds like "Unlucky Alf", who sat one row behind us in the Ponty in the early 2000's. Every time the opposition hit a shot vaguely near our goal, he'd shout "bloody 'ell, it's theeer!" I remember one match, against Stockport I think, where they hit a proper pea-roller that was dribbling harmlessly into Kevin Miller's hands. "It's theeer!" At that exact moment the ball hit a divot and bounced over him into the net. "I tooold yer". If he hadn't been at least 85 years old I reckon someone would have lamped him.