That's redundant though because ALL players do it. He was fantastic for us, a great servant to our beloved club. Ranks highly amongst majority of our fanbase. As others have said, slightly before & after but not the duration of the actual game for me.
All players do it some alot more than others. And yeah I won't be applauding him in the game he's a opposition player.
Will clap him when he gets announced in the lineup, then that's it. He's just another opposition player once the whistle blows.
I wont boo him also I will not clap when us name read irrelevant to me soon as not longer play for tarn
Will give him a lukewarm reception when his name is announced. After that he’s dead to me. Just like when he moved on from us.
Never made it to prefect status and my English was dreadful at school, I scraped a Grade 6 O level (lowest pass)....
He was poor again today. I think his legs have gone. He's not played well in any game against us since leaving. Those booing him are pathetic. It was embarrassing our fans clapping him during the match too. He didn't hang around at full time did he. Couldn't wait to rush down the tunnel
Was mystified when folk around me were booooing him & shouting W@KNER, then I realised they weren't regulars.
As a smoker I was probably near the bottom of the list for prefect status, not that that worried me. However, I surprised myself with my English results (language 2, lit. 3). Not that you would notice! I have"Spotty" Atkinson to thank for that.
Everyone entitled to their opinion but the word legend the guy spent 2 1/2yrs at the club soon as anybody shows interest in him he was off along with the rest of them the mans a diplomat a great speaker's but thats the only difference between him and guy we call sammy the snake.
He got a mixed bag, for me we shouldn't be applauding opposition players during the game, leave it until the end.
100%. As good a player. he became for us. ( and it wasn't till Hammill came back he upped his game and stopped his shenanigans) He's never performed well against us. The devil in me thinks it must be because he still loves, us more than the teams he's played for against us lol.
Disappointing to hear the boos. Indifference is the best treatment for me, just the same as any other opposition player.
Shouldn't worry. I was once talking to someone who kept referring to 'articulate lorries' during a conversation littered with 'malapropisms' e.g. "condescension on the windscreen" I loved that and now use it myself as an in-joke with my missus whenever I see any windows steamed up much to the puzzlement of anyone in earshot! ( I really need to get out more) We could start a thread of amusing overheard malapropisms or spoonerisms. ....err...or not!