So tonight I’ve seen a few posts on twitter and also on a few WhatsApp groups I’m on about tomorrows game being bigged up too much……… What the **** do people want? Everyone seems to love these big European clubs when they try to whip the fans up and create an atmosphere but the club try it and all you get is ‘r wait till we lose n we’re back to 8 thou next week’………..the club are doing there best to bridge that gap (created by messers Lee and Conway) but yet some can’t seem to give them credit, we have a CEO who clearly passionate and is trying to get everyone singing off the same sheet, instead of folk moaning why not be more positive and actually offer some praise on the club and also him????
Guarantee it's the same people who moan about there being no atmosphere at Oakwell too. Now, I'd agree the atmosphere has been shocking at Oakwell, but I'm not then going to turn around and bemoan the fact the club is trying to better it. Said it for months now, some folk just want to bash the club. They won't accept the fact it's a new board and will continue to tar the old & the new with the same brush. People have strong opinions on Khaled, but he's clearly staying put, so why take everything he says and turn it into something it's not is beyond me. I.e when he mentioned we let no first teamers go and we did well in the window, people popped up mentioning Aitchison... They fully understand what he was trying to get at though. No doubting he's made plenty of mistakes here, certainly not helped by the fact he was working under Conway & Lee. But are we really going to bite our nose off to spite our face? Things are going really good and we should encourage and support it. People make mistakes, let him at least try & rectify them.
Tomorrow's gate will be one of the biggest we've had in the last five years or so. Up there with the games against Wednesday, Leeds, Newcastle and Sunderland in that period. It'll be the highest gate against Derby since we played against them in 1997 as a Premier League club. We've had games against Wednesday, Sheff Utd, Leeds and Aston Villa in the last 10 years with lower attendances. Hats off to all of us who love the club who've made this happen. I hope the day goes well enough on many fronts that it convinces plenty to join us on a Tuesday night against Pompey, or on a Saturday when Morecambe visit. No coincidence that the five above us have big crowds. We all want the same things. The more fans turn up the better we can compete. F*** last season.
I actually don't think we've bigged up this game enough!. But as a lot of us have said on here, there's no understanding some people, and why they continually want to moan so much.
Imo the guy took over an absolute **** show and he’s doing well…….I’m sure @YTBFC will speak highly of the guy too!! We seem to have fans who don’t like to offer praise when it’s due
Please enjoy tomorrow. For 90 minutes, make it loud and hostile. 50/50 challenge? Make it ours with your noise. Let's get our first penalty in 41 games. Stick with the players for 90 minutes, regardless of what's happening. Find a chant for every player. Sing for Beth. Sing for Duff. Be loud and proud. Stewart Barrowclough and his son, Carl are half-time guests. FanZone open. Food and drink everywhere. DJ pitchside before the game. Hey Jude. Cocoon. Scarves galore. Flags in the Ponty End. Khaled might be there again. Just enjoy it. Because if the last week has proven anything to me, it's that no day is guaranteed and one of my dearest friends who should be there, won't be. But she'd be f***** proud of the last week and how we've all come together. After the game? Feel free to boo and moan and anything else. Up the Tykes x
Please tell me that they've dropped the universally hated piss poor monstrosity they attempted for the last two home games before the players come out
You and a few others on the internet isn't 'universal' buddy. It was an agreed upon change after many consultations with various supporter groups. Which shows, we can never win on this issue. I've suggested we go back to Cocoon. But this isn't my area. It's not down to me. I make graphics (mainly) these days. So I'll be just as interested as the next man/woman/inanimate object at 2.50pm tomorrow.
Use your eyes though whitey. Look at the stands. Regardless of what supporters groups tell you those stands were stood in deadly silence whilst it was being played. The people in the stands were complaining about it. It isn't just a few on here. That reaction, that stunned silence followed by grumping was universal, it honestly was. This is one of the biggest annoyances with the club. They take the views of the supporters groups reps as gospel when all the evidence is telling you that information is wrong. If the supporters group all told you that a yellow polka dot hoodie would sell massively in the club shop would you continue to buy more stock in every week despite not selling a single one simply because the groups told you it would sell? Of course not. Not so much a go at you but the clubs refusal to accept mistakes at time. It's bonkers
It's all about results and what fans 'see'. So I get it. As does he. The success of any CEO is based on the legacy they leave behind. Be interesting to look back in a few years' time. Dane Murphy (an absolute gent and very good at his job) was ridiculed by fans for a long time. As was GG. And Ben Mansford (often by me, on here in a past life).
I've always found the scarf thing a bit cringy when they do it at Leeds, but then again I really do hate everything about Leeds. It's something new for us so I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out. And if it brings us 3 points, Mrs spuggy will be getting a very special 'chandler bing style' naked scarf dance come Saturday evening. Reds.
Khaled didn't help himself with a lot of things he did in his first year and not only what he did (as some of it can be explained as his predecessors fault) but by how he handled it. With that said he is going in the right direction as I can't think of many major gaffs this season and that will cause fans to warm to him
2-1 to us and the place goes mental. A big shout out to everyone at the club who's trying to drag us back from the brink of the sh*tshow created by the previous regime..its OUR club its OUR team and WE can make a difference tmorra so...COYReeeeds
As someone who "boycotted" this season, due to owners/ experience and downright disillusion, I have to congratulate the powers that be for what is happening. It's beginning to feel like a family club again. Well done to all concerned.
I have to be honest, especially after the week we've had as a club, but the choice of entrance music is not something that ranks high on my list of concerns. I'm more interested in access (and we'll get there, it'll take time and it'll come good). I care more about staffing levels on matchday. I want people served quicker at kiosks. I want our hospitality guests to enjoy their day. I want our disabled supporters to feel comfortable. I care about the six mascots tomorrow having a day to remember. The atmosphere at Oakwell has been absolutely terrible for a long time. Cocoon has been played throughout. To no enthusiasm. But when it's moved from its usual slot, yes, a lot of people complain and bring it up as though it's the be all and end all. Look, I have no idea if it'll be played tomorrow. It's not my area. I've been focused on other things. As I've said on here countless times, I don't like the song. I think it's **** and I actually think it holds us back in terms of building an atmosphere. But there's a nostalgic love for it. I get that. And supporter groups felt similarly. That it should be retained in some fashion, but we needed a more upbeat and fresh entrance song. Now... whether the choice for that was a good one, I really don't know. Universally. I don't like it. But I don't like Cocoon. So who am I to say? I'd have F****** in the Bushes by Oasis, personally. But don't blame the club for seeing a **** atmosphere and then speaking with multiple supporters groups in order to try and improve things. Those meetings have seen a lot of positive changes come to fruition. We love and welcome feedback. Even THIS from you. Hence me replying at 11pm on a Friday night! Genuinely no idea what tomorrow brings music wise, but I've suggested Cocoon goes back to being entrance music and I think (hope) we play Hey Jude before kick off and it becomes 'our song' like most other clubs seem to have. "Na na na na na na, na na na na, Barnsley..." But again - feel free to feedback and criticise and all of that, because that's how we'll improve. But after 90 minutes of support please!