It's a great song for crowd participation to be fair. It will always be a little generic in nature, but then so are most songs nowadays. Brentford, Wednesday, Millwall especially, Man City and Cardiff all use it I believe... England away fans too occasionally. Thing is, if you're a club without a song traditionally associated with you, it's difficult to get one going. We have Timerider for the start of the game and you could say 'our' song is 'It's Just Like Watching Brazil'. This is for special occasions though and so I'm definitely open to trying something new.
They played it as the players before and as the pmaywrs walked out the tunnel, and everyone round me was clapping and clapping and building the atmosphere. But if people want hey Jude once they're on the pitch fair enough.
Cocoon by Timerider isn’t exactly an all time classic. But it should never, ever be dropped. It’s ours. Only we use it. Every ****** plays hey Jude. We don’t need to get on that bandwagon. If they start rolling sweet bastarding Caroline out then I won’t take responsibility for my actions. I’m old enough to remember when you could go to a sporting event and they didn’t play that abomination…
Surely you've not been today after that comment. ******* stroll on, the atmosphere at the end with Hey Jude... I give in, put that ****** clapping song back on, time ******* rider.
I'm a big fan of timerider - cocoon. I think it's an age thing. We should never drop it. What the club did today with timerider and then hey Jude was perfect. The club got everything on and off the pitch right today. I genuinely felt like the board had done what the set out to achieve and got the fans back on side.
I wouldn't be up this early with a hangover, at my age they last for 3 days. Timeriders still **** for atmosphere.
We sung never walk alone previously so I'm sure pinching Hey Jude isn't a problem. My youngest said it was the best game and atmosphere he had been to which is brilliant and sad at the same time and shows what Covid and the last couple of seasons has done to us all.
pre match dj was good better than the usual crap we get, half time music ok and deffo get hey jude in all the time, i cant stop singing it this morning addictive but annoying, tarn came together yesterday absolutely loved it
your comment about sweet bastarding Caroline got me and my Mrs literally laughing out loud for the last five minutes. quality. absolute comedy gold.