That would rather our attendance be *****? Seen a few bits on twitter and heard a few in the ponty end moaning yesterday about how many people were there. One guy on twitter even moaning about people bringing their kids. I just don't get it.
that is a strange thing to say. I must say though, I've literally never heard anyone say that in over 35 years, so I'm guessing it's a very small minority who think that. probably the closest I've heard was the Liverpool fa cup fiasco, but that was more about rowing's idiotic ticketing policy, than there being too many people there.
Really? I've even seen comments on here this week about 'part-timers' and 'coming out of the woodwork for a big game'.
Half time I heard at least 6 different people complaining about part timers, i just smiled and thought, thick t@*t.
actually I suppose I have heard it from time to time. usually at the bigger games, if people can't get tickets, or have had to queue etc. can't say I heard it yesterday like but some obviously did. crackers for anyone to be saying that. surely we all want the stadium full every game?
You would think so mate. I'd love 12-15k Barnsley fans in the ground every week. Probably not realistic I know but the club really do have something to aim for now.
we probably gained another 3000 extra fans yesterday whether it be returnees that have seen the light, newbies i personally dont care just hope they keep coming back, it was great exercise yesterday stand up sit down stand up sit down for people, may it continue
Some of those would rather see as you say just season tickets holders and regular pay on the dayers. The mind boggles. Nothing I'd like to see more than full houses. And overspill into north stand if and when possible. The liverpool game was hopefully a one off never to be repeated. Worra nob Mr Rowing.
I guess it’s similar to going to watch bands. For example, I watched Ryan Adams at the Borderline twice (once with Whiskeytown) playing in front of a couple of hundred people, wondering why he wasn’t more popular, and then I hated it when I next saw him, playing at a full Shepherd’s Bush Empire at triple the cost.
Strange innit same on Wembley trips would they rather us take 8000 down and look stupid I would be happy to make pay on the day £15 as long as a season ticket a bit cheaper more the merrier.
Think it’s a widespread issue- the same people complaining that pubs are dying out will throw a fit if someone comes into “their” pub and sits in “their” seat.
When I was about 13, I had a spell of watching Leeds for a year with my mate (in the Revie era) . Still watched Barnsley and always got a better feeling when Barnsley scored. I've had a season ticket for over 30 years and been to 72 grounds watching Barnsley. Saw a bloke at Crewe about 10 years ago and he said "What tha doing here part timer, thar a Leeds fan". There's some right grumpy old f**ckers watch Barnsley. They take great delight in the part timer slur. They come out of the woodwork at the big games, Wembley being the prime example. Give me 17,000 part timers rather than 1,000 part timers any day of the week.