1. Almost every fan was on his back when he was In terrible form, "get shut" "not good enough" "league Two player at best" 2. I'm not related to Luke. Although yes i have met him and his family. 3. When i was defending luke i was getting loads of private messages from some of you on here which were horrible towards Luke. I'm not going to repeat what was said, nor say who..
He’s come a long way since being loaned out with his professionalism being questioned by Ismael. Best illustration of this is comparing an interview with him shortly after leaving on loan, where he said he was an ‘out an out winger’, with an interview recently where he was saying a front 3 was ideal for him, but he was also happy to play in midfield if asked. Just read as a more mature interview. Most importantly, he seems to be in a better place personally. I hope whatever issues led to him needing to take a break from the game are behind him, or at least in a place where he is in control of it, and not vice versa.
3. How many people? One? Two? If you're saying it was a considerable number, enough to make such a ridiculous post after a win, then I think you're lying
And why on earth do I need to lie? I don't get some of you on here Player has bad form "oh get shut" Player suddenly becomes amazing "yes best player In years, I've always said he would come good" It happened with Hourihane.
5 on here. Up to 11 on the fan groups on Facebook, there are two which I can't remember what they are called now but are popular groups. That's the main reason i got rid of Facebook.
This is a really disappointing thread, after such a brilliant day and a goal scoring return for Luke.
Don't take this the wrong way but are you sure you aren't being a little oversensitive regarding comments said to you about him due to your personal friendship with his family? I've used the bbs a long time and I find it extremely odd that 5 separate members would randomly message you privately being horrible towards a player. Poor comments on the main board yes, on Facebook definitely, but I don't see why you'd get so many people private messaging you on here to abuse someone else.
Feel free. Name and shame them. If people were being as abusive and horrible as you say they deserve it right?
Almost every fan was on his back. Nope. Not even close. Have some people had a go? Yes. Some have a go at all players. But a suggestion that almost all fans were ‘haters’ or on his back is absolute cobblers. It really is. And furthermore, if they were haters, they probably wouldn’t have changed their opinion after a twenty minute cameo and a goal scored in front of an open net, gifted to him by the keeper. I’m glad he’s back, I’m glad he’s got over his injury. He was one of our best players at the beginning of the season. I’ve still no idea what you are trying to achieve in attempting to convince us all on here we hated him - when we didnt. There may have been a few opinions that he wasn’t good enough for the championship - but that isn’t hating. Five people from this forum private messaged you being horrible about Luke? And another half dozen from elsewhere? How do you define horrible? I find it very strange people would bother to contact you for this.
Good on you for sticking up for him - I understand why you support him - He didn't have a brilliant game but didn't deserve the flak he got from some posters on this site. Red-Taff sent me this on 18th October 2020.
Mate I’m not gonna stop you, or delete it if you do, but I really would prefer if you didn’t start sharing old messages, especially from people who haven’t even commented on this thread. I just don’t think it’s gonna end well. I’m sure the vast majority of us are over the moon that he’s back, and with a smile on his face again.
Well that’s that then. Close the thread he’s completely proven everyone wrong and Luke Thomas was the most hated player in the history of football.
@Red-Taff. wants banning and public flogging then Terrible just terrible words that i just cant see Luke Thomas coming back from.