After the accusation thrown at me over the past couple of days that I offended some to the point of bullying. I apologise to anyone I offended or were offended by the thread. I offer no excuses other than I let my frustration and exasperation get the better of me. In trying to explain a point. I have made a couple of apologies 1 private to whom I said things I utterly regreted. (Redrum). I certainly shouldn't use abusive words to any BBS ers which I also apolgise/d for. I have been spending too much time on the BBS since retirement and need to get out more. It is my main source of social media and absolutely love the banter. Wouldn't change that for the world. So once again apologies. I'm going to take a few days off the site and not respond to any threads. controversial or not . To reflect and hopefully come back raring to go. Unless theirs a campaign to get rid of me for good. Afore tha sez owt Stephen. Cheers Hooky Feller.
I think you need to recalibrate your meter. I'm registering almost 100% on the apologyometer and less than 0.5% on the flounceometer.
Not sure what happened but can't say I've ever seen any OTT posts from ya Hooky but good on ya for holding ya hand up if ya remedy is do a few away days with the Reds..av got 3 booked....
I didn’t find you offensive, nothing was aimed at me I don’t think anyway, but I’ll be honest and say I did find your exception to people questioning you on your views on Collins to be a bit overly defensive. If you have a minority view (you are entitled to it, though I still find it somewhat bizarre), it is very likely that you are going to be questioned on it on an open forum. You then did go a bit far with one poster. But not so bad as to cause any lasting damage or offence. Have a breather if you must but this place is all the better for the different views and opinions. Be back soon.
It's a sad, sad situation. It's quite absurd because it's obviously been talked over. It's a hard word to say "sorry". Takes some balls admitting your wrong.
You've made a genuine, heart felt apology. That should suffice and you need not take a sabatical, old mate.
We've all said things out of turn at times. Sticking your hand up and apologising is the thing to do. I've been there several times. I've usually privately pointed out if someone offends me too.