BMBC have responded to my FOI request re the closure of Beevor Court. I have copied the full reply below, but they have confirmed the decision to close the Beevor Court entrance was made by Barnsley Football Club. Beevor Court is integral to match day arrangements at Oakwell and the decision to close the road was made by Barnsley FC following discussion at and the advice of the stadium Safety Advisory Group. There was no vote taken and the decision was made to enhance safety arrangements for the stadium. The Safety Advisory Group and organisations who are members of the Group regularly undertake site visits at Oakwell and this forms part of the Safety Certification process. I am sure that you will appreciate that the discussion regarding arrangements for the stadium are sensitive. It is our belief that disclosure of the information requested would, or would be likely to, endanger the safety of individual spectators and staff within the stadium. Therefore, on this occasion a Section 38 “endangering health and safety” exemption has been applied to your request for copies of minutes. If you have any queries about this letter, please contact Information Requests on (01226) 77 5759. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Its been closed for the safety of spectators. I'm not sure why fans have an issue with this. Just walk round and stop being lazy.
There have been numerous posts and discussions about the reasons why some fans do have an issue with this, which I won't go into again. However, fans have been told by the club the decision was BMBCs, clearly it wasn't. Why not just tell the truth?
This aligns with what was written in the email you received from the club, where they confirmed that the advice was to close the road or they would not get a safety certificate. The decision they made was between closing the road or not playing at all. Feel free to blame the club for that.
I'm certainly not blaming anyone for anything. I do not want this to be a club bashing thread and that is not my intention. I stated I would apply to BMBC for a FOI to find out the full information and have done so and have shared the information I have received. The email from the club states they were "instructed it must close" and had "challenged it". BMBC have stated "the decision to close the road was made by Barnsley FC". It clearly points to a joint decision to allow football to be played and I'm sure we all agree we would rather the gate be closed and football played than not.
If someone has a knife at my back and tells to me jump off a bridge or reap the consequences, it would be fair to say I made the decision to jump, or not. I wouldn’t call that a joint decision, even if it is in the interest of the club or supporters.
Google "Traffic Regulation Order Report-Oakwell Traffic Management" Sorry I can't post a link for some reason... it's from 2016 (if I remember rightly), there seems to be some interesting stuff in there.
Without the minutes of the Safety Advisory Group, which they have chosen not to disclose we will never know for definite. However, if the result of the said meeting was an agreement between all parties to close it, then what else would you describe it as?
The club has ultimate decision. The SAG is there to advise them as others said it sounds like they were presented with options. Have to wonder if Council have been selective with their response TBH.
There's nothing to suggest there was an agreement to close it, it's clearly the case they were told to close it or not get a safety certificate. Personally I'm not sure I agree with the club challenging the decision of the SAG - if they advised that Beevor Court should be closed then that's the correct decision for the safety of all supporters.
Setting aside whether the Club have misled the public I'm a bit surprised at BMBCs statement. Football Clubs cannot close Public Roads - Highways Authorities (BMBC) can. Is Beevor Court a private road? My only other question would be around the risk assessment that has gone into the decision. I truly can't believe this is a 'close the road or we close you down' situation. So, someone? has risk assessed the situation and come up with the decision. I suppose that's the information in the Minutes. Incidentally issuing a Sect 38 notice is a big deal, particularly as the reasons for non disclosure in the letter are 'ropey' to say the least. The letter should have provided with with information on how to challenge that decision. Did it?
There are some strange conclusions higher up this thread. Especially those that appear to suggest the club are the driving force behind this The response to FOA request doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know and was never likely to. Basically we know that the Safety Advisory Group told Barnsley Football club they could either close the access via Beevor court or they wouldn't be given a safety certificate. Understandably under such a threat the club agreed to the closure. The question most of us want to know is WHY DOES THE SAFETY ADVISORY GROUP THINK THIS IS NECESSARY when similar advisory groups at other clubs do not put similar conditions on the stadiums they are advising? It seems there is no way to find out their reasoning though other than a glib statement about improving fan safety but with no real arguments to back that up
One thing I find bizarre is why have Barnsley FC got the ultimate decision on closing a road that doesn't belong to them? Closing the gate yes but preventing people from even driving down the road via the use of a physical blockade? That can't be legal for a privately owned company to do on a road they do not own
The road is owned by the council. The council has something to do with the safety certificate. I'll let you join the dots up.
It did detail how to challenge the non disclosure and I have already done so. I also do not feel there is any reason to withhold this information. I will share it if they release it, if not I will have to go to the ICO which could be a long process.