Ta@ just remembered I have got Speak no Evil on vinyl somewhere! Doh - getting old and cnat remember what I've got!
An unusual version of Shorter's Footprints by Jazz Jamaica All Stars with the brilliant Andy Shepherd on sax. If you listen towards the middle I love his circular breathing as he just pumps out line after line. This is actually one of my most favourite cds in my collection and I certainly love this track .... it's one to jig around to and makes you feel SOOOOO good.
My favourite stuff he did was with Art Blakey Jazz Messengers, especially Free for All. Its a beast of an album. Wayne Shorter composes a few on there including the title track
Classy, complex music. I like Donald Fagen's stuff but I often wonder what is going on in his head ! He can create music of such complexity that is easy on the ear.
They only had two members after the first album, Becker & Fagan, so had a fair bit flexibility with the session guys they used. I don't mind most of their output, but the Aja album & Pretzel Logic are the two I like the most. First LP was quite interesting too, (Can't Buy A Thrill)... Steely Dan being the name of a dildo, which no doubt will get @Stephen Dawson excited!