Kindly explain your definition of fraud. I pay an annual subscription to my VPN service then £10 for every away match via iFollow. I’m supporting the club every way I can. No one is being defrauded
It is against FA rules to broadcast live Premier League, Football League and FA Cup games between 2:45 and 5:15 on a Saturday to anyone in the UK. The exception being the FA Cup final. That you (and many others) have found a way around that doesn't mean the rule no longer applies. The rule still exists.
Maybe a slow news day, but this came up on my feed again today. This was in the Daily Mirror (the only tabloid I've not blocked apparently) and contained much sensationalism and nonsense.
Is this just an FA rule or is it an actual law on the statute books? As has been said it seems OTT to get a criminal record for watching a game and thus depriving Sky TV of much needed advertising revenue.
Sky TV aren't receiving any ad revenue for live games on a Saturday at 3pm in the UK because they don't broadcast games at that time.
Thank god they are going after these people, all those burglars, rapists and murderers can go on the back burner
That's not how it works though is it. They can do more than one thing. And to be honest they're right to go after them even if it's something that a lot of people illegally use and something that I've used in the past myself. I just hope that they focus their attention on the people selling the things than on the people using them
I’m more concerned by knife crime, the failure to prosecute rape cases and a staggering 93% of burglaries being unsolved. Priorities and all that
Yeah but they can do both things. If not then every police officer in the UK should be concentrating on unsolved murders and leaving all the robberies etc alone. In an ideal world though the police would have enough resources to do it all obviously
For me, as well as the more serious things raised, is that, in my opinion, companies like Sky (and many others) are legally thieving from us and A) we let them B) it's legal C) we do nothing.
You are right, they can do both things, but sadly they aren’t doing that, not enough of them to do what is required.